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  2. Events
  3. Reading in Arabic and English from the book "Anna and Dr Helmy" by Ronen Steinke

Reading in Arabic and English from the book "Anna and Dr Helmy" by Ronen Steinke

Narrator: Gamal Abdelnasser (Arabic)

The reading is followed by a Q&A with the author Ronen Steinke

This book tells the remarkable story of Mohammed Helmy, an Egyptian doctor living in Berlin. He risked his life to save Jewish Berliners from the Nazis, among them a girl called Anna. Helmy spent the entire war in Berlin, constantly walking the fine line between accommodation to the Nazi regime and subversion of it.

The book also reveals a wider understanding of the Arab community in Berlin at the time, many of whom had warm relations with the Jewish community, and some of whom - like Mohammed Helmy - even risked their lives to help their Jewish friends when the Nazis rose to power. Mohammed Helmy was the most remarkable individual amongst this brave group, but he was by no means the only one.

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قراءة بالعربية والإنجليزية مع الكاتب رونين شتاينكه،_ يقرأ جمال عبدالناصر بالعربية. ويتبع القراءة نقاش مع الكاتب ‪.

هذا الكتاب عن فصل منسي في التاريخ. عن قصة حقيقية لكنها تبدو كالقصص البوليسية، مليئة بالقلق والترقب والصدف غير المتوقعة؛ لكنها تتمحور كذلك حول التحدي والكبرياء ومقاومة الشر.

طبيب مصري يقرر إنقاذ شابة يهودية وأسرتها من بين فكي الوحش النازي في برلين خلال أوج قوته

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