Dr. Laure Guirguis
Affiliated Researcher
Copts and the Security State: Violence, Coercion and Sectarianism in Contemporary Egypt (Stanford CA: Stanford University Press, 2016). Revised edition of a work originally published as: Les Coptes d’Égypte… (Paris: Karthala, 2012).
Égypte : révolution et contre-révolution [Egypt: Revolution and Counter-Revolution] (Montreal: Laval University Press, 2014).
Les Coptes d’Égypte. Violences communautaires et transformations politiques (2005-2012) [Egyptian Copts: Sectarian Violence and Political Transformations (2005-2012)] (Paris: Karthala, 2012).
Laure Guirguis and Maru Pabon, eds., Art and Politics between the Arab World and Latin America (Leiden: Brill). Under contract
Laure Guirguis, ed., The Arab Lefts: Histories and Legacies, 1950s – 1970s (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2020).
Hamit Bozarslan and Laure Guirguis, eds., Alain Roussillon, Réforme et politique dans le monde arabe [Alain Roussillon, Reform and Politics in the Arab World] (Paris: CNRS Editions, 2018).
Laure Guirguis, ed., Conversions religieuses et mutations politiques. Tares et avatars du communautarisme égyptien [Religious Conversions and Political Changes. Defects and Avatars of Egyptian Communalism] (Paris: Non Lieu, 2008).
“Juan José Saer (1935-2005), un écrivain arabe-argentin? Littérature, amitié et politique” [Juan José Saer (1935-2005), an Arab-Argentine Writer? Literature, Friendship and Politics],
Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies / Revue canadienne des études latino-américaines et caraïbes. Submitted.
“Beyrouth, capitale révolutionnaire : les nouvelles gauches arabes entre solidarité et logique de guerre [Beirut, Capital of the Revolution: the Arab New Left between Solidarity and Violence]. Monde(s). Histoire, Espaces, Relations 23, 1 (2023).
“May ‘68 and the Arab New Left: Transnational Entanglements at a Time of Disruption,” Critical Historical Studies 8, 1 (2021): 87-113.
“La référence au Vietnam et l’émergence des gauches radicales au Liban, 1962-1976” [Vietnam and the Rise of a Radical Left in Lebanon, 1962-1976] Monde(s). Histoire, Espaces, Relations 14, 2 (2018): 225-244.
“Définir l’ennemi national. La restauration sécuritaire du président égyptien al-Sisi” [Defining the Enemy. Egyptian President al-Sisi and the Security Restoration], Revue des Mondes Musulmans et de la Méditerranée - REMMM 140 (2016): 283-296.
“Contestations coptes contemporaines” [Contemporary Coptic Contests], Revue Tiers Monde, Special Issue (April 2011): 139-163.
“Les Frères, les Coptes et la révolution” [The Muslim Brotherhood, the Copts and the Revolution], Outre-Terre: Revue européenne de géopolitique 29 (2011): 67-86.
“La révolution égyptienne de 2011 : rupture de l’ordre communautariste?” [The Egyptian Revolution of 2011: A Break in the Sectarian Order?], Histoire et liberté 45 (2011): 51-65.
“Discours contemporains autour de la conversion” [Contemporary Discourses on Religious Conversions], Les Cahiers de Confluences, Special isssue (2009): 127-141.
“Muhammad le chrétien. Instrumentalisations de la question confessionnelle et consolidation du régime autoritaire” [Muhammad, the Christian. Instrumentalisation of the Sectarian Issue and the Consolidation of the Authoritarian Rule], Chroniques égyptiennes 2007 [Egyptian Chronicles 2007] (2008): 257-281.
“Arab revolutions: The History and Legacy of the Arab Left,” Contentious Politics since the ‘Arab Spring’ project, directed by Lina Khatib, Chatham House, 2023.
“The Copts, the Nation, and the Revolution,” Program on Arab Reform and Democracy of the Center on Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law, Stanford University, 2013.
“Coptes d’Égypte : un nationalisme utopique ?” [Egyptian Copts: A Utopian Nationalism?], Cahiers de l’Institut Religioscope 6 (2011), 26 pages.
“Égypte : l’autre succession — l’Église copte à l’approche d’un tournant” [Egypt: the Other Succession — the Coptic Church at a Watershed]. Religioscope (2010). religion.info/french/articles/article_501.shtml
“Beyrouth : figures de l’archive” [Beirut: Figures of the Archive], Art Press (January 2007): 47-54.
“The Arab Lefts 1950s – 1970s: Transnational Entanglements and Shifting Legacies,” The Arab Lefts: Histories and Legacies, 1950s – 1970s, Laure Guirguis, ed. (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2020): 1-17.
“‘Dismount from the Horse to Pick Some Roses.’ Militant Enquiry in Lebanese New Left Experiments, 1968-1973.” The Arab Lefts: Histories and Legacies, 1950s – 1970s, Laure Guirguis, ed. (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2020): 187-207.
“The New Left in 1960-70s Lebanon and 1917 as Model and Foil,” The Communist Parties in the Middle East: A History of a Century, Laura Feliu Martinez, Ferran Izquierdo and Francisco Veiga eds. (London: Routledge, 2018): 258-267.
“Taranim and videos-clips,” Jeunesses arabes. Du Maroc au Yémen: Loisirs, cultures et politique [Arab Youths. From Morocco to Yemen: Leisure, Cultures, and Politics], Laurent Bonnefoy and Myriam Catusse, eds. (Paris: La Découverte, 2013): 182-191.
“Defining the Enemy. Egyptian President Al-Sisi and the Restoration of Security,” Freedom of Religion, Security and the Law: Key Challenges for a Pluralistic Society Natascia Marchei and Daniela Milani, eds. (London: Routledge, 2022).
“Introduction to ‘The Concept of Specificity’ by Anouar Abdel-Malek.” Accepted for printing in: Sciences sociales décentrées [Decentering Social Sciences] Stéphane Dufoix and Marcelo Rosa eds. (Paris: Sorbonne University Press, 2022).
Hamit Bozarslan and Laure Guirguis, “Presentation,” Alain Roussillon, Réforme et politique dans le monde arabe [Alain Roussillon, Reform and Politics in the Arab World] (Paris: CNRS Editions, 2018): 1-27.
“La construction d’église au Moyen-Orient” [Church Building in the Middle-East]. Les minarets de la discorde [Minarets Row Rumbles On], Stéphane Lathion and Patrick Haenni, eds. (Paris: Infolio-Religioscope, 2009).
Tewfick Aclimandos and Laure Guirguis, eds., The Egyptian Revolution. Cahiers de l’Orient, 108, Special Issue (2012).