PD Dr. Dietrich Reetz
Affiliated Researcher

2010, (Ed.), Islam in Europa: Religiöses Leben heute.(Islam in Europe: Religious Life today) Münster: Waxmann.
2007, with Bettina Dennerlein (eds), South-South Linkages in Islam. In: Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East, Durham: Duke University Press, Vol. 27, No. 1.
2006, Islam in the Public Sphere: Religious Groups in India, 1900-1947. Delhi, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
2001, (Ed.), Sendungsbewußtsein oder Eigennutz: Zu Motivation und Selbstverständnis islamischer Mobilisierung. (Sense of mission or self-interest: On motivation and self-definition in Islamic mobilisation)(Studien / Zentrum Moderner Orient; Nr. 15) Berlin: Das Arabische Buch.
1997, with Heike Liebau (eds.), Globale Prozesse und „Akteure des Wandels“. Quellen und Methoden ihrer Untersuchung; ein Werkstattgespräch. (Arbeitshefte; Nr. 14) Berlin: Das Arabische Buch.
1995, Hijrat - The Flight of the Faithful. A British File on the Exodus of Muslim Peasants from North India to Afghanistan in 1920. (Arbeitshefte/ FSP Moderner Orient, Förderungsges. Wiss. Neuv. mbH; Nr. 5), Berlin: Das Arabische Buch.
2022. Between Knowledge, Activism and the Global Market: international students at the Islamic University (Darul Uloom) Deoband, India, and the International Islamic University in Islamabad, Pakistan. In: Andrea Kölbel, Joanna Pfaff-Czarnecka, Susan Thieme, (eds), Universities as Transformative Social Spaces: Mobilities and Mobilizations from South Asian Perspectives, Delhi/Oxford: Oxford University Press, 163-209. Book https://doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780192865571.001.0001, ISBN: 978-0-19-286557-1, chapter https://doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780192865571.003.0007.
2020. Muslim Voices in India: The Transformation of Leadership and Grassroots Activism, in Südasien-Chronik - South Asia Chronicle 10/2020, 267-300. DOI: 10.18452/22379 https://www.iaaw.hu-berlin.de/de/region/suedasien/publikationen/resolveuid/86b01d97c400477d955ed330744e6387
2020. Global Islam 'Made in South Asia': The Tablighi Jama'at and its universalised preaching mission. In: Itzchak Weismann, Jamal Malik (eds). Culture of daʻwah: Islamic preaching in the modern world. University of Utah Press, 178-190. [ISBN: 9781607817451]
2018. BMBF-Kompetenznetzwerk “Crossroads Asia”. Steffen Wippel, Andrea Fischer-Tahir (eds.). Jenseits etablierter Meta-Geographien: Der Nahe Osten und Nordafrika in transregionaler Perspektive. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 248-49.
2017, Mediating mobile traditions: the Tablighi Jama‘at and the International Islamic University between Pakistan and Central Asia (Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan), in Transcultural Studies, Heidelberg, 123-168.
2014, Indien: Das zweitgrößte islamische Land der Erde. Online-Dossier Indien. Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (Überarbeitung von 2007).
2014, (1) Tablīghī Jamā‘at. (2) Laïcité and Piety - The Tablīghī Jamā‘at in France. Frank Peter, and Rafael Ortega (eds.), Islamic Movements of Europe: Perspectives on Public Religion and Islamophobia. London: I.B. Tauris, 2014, 195–200.
2013, Travelling Islam – Madrasa Graduates from India and Pakistan in the Malay Archipelago. ZMO Working Papers 8. Berlin: ZMO.
2013, (1) Barelwi movement. (2) Deobandi movement. In: Gerhard Bowering, Patricia Crone, Wadad Kadi, Devin J. Stewart, and Muhammad Qasim Zaman (eds.). The Princeton Encyclopedia of Islamic Political Thought. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 64–65; 131–132.
2011, The Tablighi Madrasas in Lenasia and Azaadville: Local Players in the Global ‘Islamic Field’. In: Abdulkader Tayob, I. Niehaus, & W. Weisse (eds.), Muslim Schools and Education in Europe and South Africa. Münster, New York, München, Berlin: Waxmann, 85–104.
2010, (1) Islam in Europa: Religiöses Leben heute (Einführung) (Islam in Europe: Religious Life Today, Introduction). (2) Frömmigkeit in der Moderne: die Laienprediger der Tablighi Jama’at. (Piety in Modernity: The Lay Preachers of the Tablighi Jama'at) In: Dietrich Reetz (Hg.), Islam in Europa: Religiöses Leben heute. Münster: Waxmann, 9–18, 19–52.
2010, Antiamerikanismus als Triebfeder pakistanischer Politik? In: Bernhard Chiari und Conrad Schetter (Hg.), Wegweiser zur Geschichte: Pakistan. Potsdam: Schöningh, 177–187.
2010, From Madrasa to University – the Challenges and Formats of Islamic Education. In: Akbar Ahmed and Tamara Sonn (eds.). The SAGE Handbook of Islamic Studies. Thousand Oaks, CA; London: Sage, 106–139.
2010, ‘Alternate Globalities?’ On the Cultures and Formats of Transnational Muslim Networks from South Asia. In: Ulrike Freitag/Achim von Oppen (eds.), Translocality: The Study of Globalising Processes from a Southern Perspective.Leiden: Brill, 293–334.
2010, Muslim Grassroots Leaders in India: National Issues and Local Leadership. In: Who Speaks for Islam? Muslim Grassroots Leaders and Popular Preachers in South Asia. (NBR Special Report No 22) Seattle: National Bureau of Asian Research, 29–40.
2009, Migrants, Mujahidin, Madrasa Students: The Diversity of Transnational Islam in Pakistan. In: (National Bureau of Asian Research– NBR) Transnational Islam in South and Southeast Asia: Movements, Networks, and Conflict Dynamics. Seattle: National Bureau of Asian Research, 53–77.
2008, The ‘Faith Bureaucracy’ of the Tablīghī Jamā‘at: An Insight into their System of Self-Organisation (intizām). In: Gwilym Beckerlegge (ed.), Colonialism, Modernity, and Religious Identities: Religious Reform Movements in South Asia. Oxford, Delhi: Oxford University Press, 98–124.
2007, The Deoband Universe: What makes a transcultural and transnational educational movement of Islam? In: Reetz, Dietrich/ Dennerlein, Bettina (Hg.), South-South Linkages in Islam. Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East, Durham: Duke University Press, Vol. 27, No. 1, pp. 139–159.
2006, Sufi spirituality fires reformist zeal: the Tablīghī Jamā‘atin today's India and Pakistan. In: Archives de sciences socials des religions, Paris, July-Sept 2006, 51 : 135, pp. 33–51.
2006, Pakistan. In: Sigrid Faath (Hg.): Anti-Americanism in the Islamic World. London: Hurst, pp. 182–196.
2004, Aktuelle Analysen islamistischer Bewegungen und ihre Kritik. In: Forschungsjournal Neue Soziale Bewegungen, Themenheft "Does Religion Matter? Zum Verhältnis von Religion und sozialen Bewegungen", Stuttgart, p. 61–68.
2004, Flashpoint South and Central Asia: Strategic Aspects of a Historical Relationship. In: Erich Reiter, Peter Hazdra (eds.): The Impact of Asian Powers on Global Developments. Heidelberg: Physica/Springer, pp. 17–40.
2003, Pakistan: internationaler Partner oder Problemfall? In: FES-Analyse, Bonn/Berlin: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 19 p.
2003, Präsident Musharraf und der institutionelle Islam – Bruch, Reform oder Kontinuität? In: Hans-Georg Ebert, Thoralf Hanstein (Hg.), Beiträge zum Islamischen Recht III(Leipziger Beiträge zur Orientforschung, Bd. 13), Frankfurt a. M.: Lang-Verlag, p. 129–172.
2000, Options for Pakistan and India in Kashmir: A Viewpoint from Germany. In: Talaat Ayesha Wizarat (Hg.), Conflict Resolution in a New Era: Lessons for South Asia, Karachi: Karachi University, Dept. of International Relations, pp. 93–115.
1999, Islamic Activism in Central Asia and the Pakistan Factor. In Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, Villanova, PA (USA), Vol. 23, No 1, pp. 1–37.
1998, On the Nature of Muslim Political Responses: Islamic Militancy in the Indian North-West Frontier Province in the 1920s, Mushirul Hasan (Hg.), Islam, Communities and the Nation: Muslim Identities in South Asia and Beyond, Delhi: Manohar, p. 179–200.
1997, Islamische Bewegungen im kolonialen Indien: Konzepte und Quellen. In: Dietrich Reetz/Heike Liebau (Hg.), Globale Prozesse und „Akteure des Wandels“. Quellen und Methoden ihrer Untersuchung - ein Werkstattgespräch. (Arbeitshefte; Nr. 14) Berlin: Das Arabische Buch, p. 143–168.
1997, Akteure des Wandels und die Globalisierung - zur Einführung. In: Dietrich Reetz/Heike Liebau (Hg.), Globale Prozesse und „Akteure des Wandels“. Quellen und Methoden ihrer Untersuchung - ein Werkstattgespräch. (Arbeitshefte; Nr. 14) Berlin: Das Arabische Buch, p. 5–17.
1997, In Search of the Collective Self: How Ethnic Group Concepts Were Cast Through Conflict in Colonial India. In: Modern Asian Studies. Cambridge. Vol 31, No 2, pp. 285–315.
1995, Central Asia and Pakistan - A Troubled Courtship for an Arranged Marriage: Conflicting Perceptions and Realities. In: Dr. Moonis Ahmar (Hg.), Contemporary Central Asia, Karachi (Pakistan): University of Karachi/Hanns-Seidel Foundation, pp. 85–104.
Conference Talks (since 2015)
2022/23. Din wa Duniya – The binary of Religion and World in Muslim discourse in South Asia in its complex diversity. 34. Deutscher Orientalistentag 14.09.2022 Freie Universität Berlin; BRAIS annual conference, 16 May 2023, Agha Khan University London.
2022. The liberal script in the Global South: Assumptions and realities. World International Studies Committee (WISC) 6th Global International Studies Conference, Buenos Aires, 29 June 2022.
Din wa Duniya - دین و دنیا: How they are used differently by religious scholars, Islamic politicians and social activists in Pakistan and India? Workshop of Research Unit “Contested Religion” at ZMO 20/21 June 2022.
2021. Islamische Reaktion auf die Kolonialherrschaft in Indien – zwischen Nationalismus, Sozialismus und Jihad; Islam und Empire: Muslimische Gesellschaften, islamische Bewegungen und europäischer Herrschaftsanspruch in Asien und Afrika; Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Überseegeschichte 2021 FernUniversität in Hagen, 11.-13.06.21, Sektion II: Reaktion and Reform, auf Zoom 12. Juni 2021.
2021/19. Amir or Shura: How to lead a global missionary movement of Islam like the Tablighi Jama’at; Annual Conference of the British Association of Islamic Studies, Panel “Modern Islamic Movements,” London (Zoom), 3 May 2021 (http://www.brais.ac.uk/conferences/brais-2021] ; ZMO conference “Claiming and Making Muslim Worlds: Across and Between the Local and the Global”, Berlin, 1-3/04/19.
2018, The China Pakistan Corridor Project - Imagination and Reality: Exploring the Balance of Ideology, Politics and Governance. Paper in Panel: P27 “Economic Corridors, Development and Regional Cooperation in South Asia and Beyond”, 25thECSAS, 27 July, EHESS Paris.
2018, The ex-territorial extension of Pakistan in the Gulf: plural life-worlds of Pakistani migrants in the UAE. Paper in Panel by Antía Mato Bouzas, ZMO, “Interactions in the Gulf -South Asian space: Pakistani migration to the Gulf.” at WOCMES Seville 2018, 19 July.
2017, Political contestations over Muslim minorities and migrants in Europe: how to reconcile European policies on integration, migration and counter-terrorism strategies. Conference “Countering Radicalization and Terrorism in Europe, the Middle East and South Asia in the wake of international migration - Moving Towards Peace and Harmony”. Area Studies Center Europe, Karachi University, 14 March.
2017, Muslim Global Actors: Islamic movements from South Asia and their global engagement with Sufi references, religious reformism and modernization. International Conference “Pir Abu Bakar Siddique and the Socio-Religious Reform Movements in South Asia”, Kolkata, India, 15 January. (on Facebook by Syed Muhammad Junaid, 14 Jan 2017.)
2016, Islamic movements in South Asia - Challenges & Opportunities. Contribution at the “India International Islamic Academic Conference of the SIO” (Students Islamic Organisation of India), 8 October, Delhi, India.
2016, Incongruous match-making: The US and China caught in the web of the mangled Pakistan-India relationship. Paper at Panel 29 (Security challenges in contemporary India-Pakistan relations) at 24th European Conference on South Asian Studies (ECSAS), Warsaw, 27-30 July.
2016, Between Knowledge, Activism and the Global Market: International Students at Islamic Madrasas and the International Islamic University in Pakistan. Paper at International Workshop convened by Prof. Joanna Pfaff-Czarnecka, “Student Mobilities and Mobilisations in South Asia. Global Challenges - Local Action,” at ZiF Bielefeld, 16-18 June.
2015, Local insurgencies and civic rehabilitation: the challenges and opportunities of the political process in Pakistan. Paper at National Defence University Workshop, “Challenges of Rehabilitation, Reconstruction and Stabilization in Militancy Affected Areas of Pakistan”, 25 November, in cooperation with the German Hanns Seidel Foundation (HSS). (participation on invitation)
Lectures (since 2016)
2022. “Alternative Globalities I Conversations with Historians I Dr Dietrich Reetz” Government College University Lahore, 25 Oct 2022, (https://youtu.be/vzVDd7KeLlE)
2022. “Academic Writing Skills”, Government College University Lahore, 24 Oct 2022 (together with Prof Iftikhar Malik) (https://www.facebook.com/dietrich.reetz/posts/pfbid026X9X39ZVjUjrqHqJtubtX76sqsYa5SYL7ug2z876S88ibfMTg99ZgeFQRv5dgNxZl)
2022. “Political Islam in South Asia: multiple perspectives from actors and society,” Lecture at Government College University Lahore, 17 Oct; Pakistan Institute of Development Economics PIDE Islamabad, 07 Nov: PIDE Official YouTube Channel: https://youtu.be/Vpf9sQtcU1A
2022. “Muslim activism, Muslim thoughts, and its roots”, Institute of Policy Studies (IPS) Islamabad, 10 Nov; https://www.ips.org.pk/muslim-activism-muslim-thoughts-and-its-roots-a-talk-by-dr-dietrich-reetz/
2022. “Islam and Politics: How do they relate to each other?” Fatima Jinnah Women University FJWU, Dept. Islamic Studies,12 Dec (digital).
2021. “Transformation of media and its impact on society: between conflict and its resolution,” key note speech, "Third International Conference on Role of Media as an Agent for Peace," Zoom conference, Ilma Media University conference Karachi, Faculty of Media and Design, 10(-11) Dec. (www.ilmauniversity.edu.pk/icon/mdsc21; https://www.facebook.com/ilma.edu.pk/videos/941352203153068/ 17:00-34:00)
2021. “The diversity of Muslim theological and political perspectives in Europe”, Conference “ The Political Islam & Europe: Understanding the Dynamics in the Political Islam towards Developments of adequate European Policies and Approach,” The Levant Strategic Studies Centre, The Levant Newspaper, Institute of Cultural Diplomacy Berlin (ICD), 29 Sep. (https://www.facebook.com/TheLevantNewsEn/videos/196628505907950/;
2020. ‘World-Making from the ‘Margins’: Muslim Global Actors from South Asia, Talk at the “’World Nazrul Congress 2020 on Equality, Human Rights & Fraternity”, Nazrul Centre for Social and Cultural Studies, Kazi Nazrul University India, 28.12.2020, on Zoom.
2020. Covid-19 and the Missionary Work of the Tablighi Jamaat in South Asia and Beyond: Negotiating Grassroots Activism, Religious Authority and the State. Webinar by the Ali Vural Ak Center for Global Islamic Studies, George Mason University, Fairfax VA, U.S. 14 July.
2020. State, society, and religion, (Panel participant), Dialogue Pakistan 2020, Pakistan Institute of Peace Studies.
2019, World-Making from the ‘Margins’: Muslim Global Actors from South Asia. Keynote lecture at Summer Institute: “Lived Islam in contemporary Africa”. University of Florida, Gainesville, USA, 22 May.
2019, Tablighi Jamaat. Lecture series “Current issues in Islam”, Gulen Chair of Islamic Studies, Katholic University Leuven, Belgium, 28 March, 4-6 pm.
2018, Concluding remarks (as member of advisory board) at International Conference, “Future of Salafism”, ERC Project Changing Structures of Islamic Authority (CSIA), Department of International Development, University of Oxford, 5-7 December.
2018, China and US relations with India and Pakistan, at Centre for Governance and Policy, Information Technology University (ITU), Lahore, Pakistan, 20 Nov.
2018, Chairing 3rdsession Panel “Country Studies” at 6th International Islam & Liberty Conference “Building an Islamic Case for Open Markets" 14/15 Nov, International Islamic University Islamabad.
2018, Muslim Global Actors from South Asia, talk at Iqbal International Institute for Research and Dialogue, International Islamic University Islamabad, 7 November, and at Islamic Studies Department, Fatima Jinnah Women University, Islamabad, 8 November.
2018, Cultural diversity can drive economies. Lessons from India. School of Gandhian Thought and Development Studies, MK Gandhi University, 5 Oct. (Prof. Ilias Hussain)
2018, Remnants of Partition: Trajectories of Muslims in India. Talk at SIO India History Summit of the Students’ Islamic Organization of India (SIO), 30 Sep.
2018, Incongruous match-making: The US and China caught in the web of the mangled Pakistan-India relationship, talk at the South Asia Department of the Institute for Defence Studies and Analysis (IDSA), New Delhi, 25 Sep, and Nelson Mandela Centre for Peace and Conflict Resolution Maulana Mohammad Ali Jauhar Marg, Jamia Millia Islamia, 1 Oct.
2017, Islam und Westliche Werte: Widersprüche, Überschneidungen, Ergänzungen. 5. Dezember, AStA Universität Mainz und Referat für politische Bildung AStA Uni Mainz.
2016, 7th Asghar Ali Engineer Memorial lecture “Muslim Global Actors from South Asia: World -Making from the from the 'Margins' of The Islamic World”, Delhi, India, Jamia Millia University 13 Oct, Mumbai, Max Mueller Bhavan 14 Oct organised by the Centre for Study of Society and Secularism and Heinrich Boell Foundation India.
Media Engagements
Mit Achim v. Oppen, Multiple Übergänge – das Werden des ZMO in der Erfahrung ehemaliger Mitarbeiter, in 25 Jahre Geisteswissenschaftliche Zentren Berlin, Berlin: Geisteswissenschaftliche Zentren Berlin e.V., 2021, 102-109. 2021.
Interview with Abdul-Ahmad Rashid for „Forum am Freitag“-Magazin auf ZDF.Info zur „Missionierung im Islam“, 12 Oct 2020.
“Wie beeinflusste der Mauerfall Ihr Leben und Ihre Forschung, Dietrich Reetz?”, Twitter Interview in Reihe „DDR erforscht“, BMBF, 7 Nov 2019.
„Conference report: Claiming and Making Muslim Worlds: Across and Between the Local and the Global International Conference, ZMO, Berlin, 3-5 April 2019.” ZMO Orient Bulletin, No. 36, 02-03 Jul 2019.
“Deutscher Islam-Kongress in Karlsruhe: 40.000 Muslime treffen sich in Karlsruhe: Was hinter Vereinigung „Ahmadiyya“ steckt”, Focus Online, Marisa Gold, 05 Jul 2019.
“Cultural diversity can drive economies. Here are lessons from India” Agenda Blog, World Economic Forum (WEF), 05 Jul 2018.
“Debate: A Tryst with Pluralism”, Panel at the India Economic Summit (IES) Delhi of the WEF, 05 Oct 2017.
“What does the new US policy on Afghanistan mean for India and Pakistan?” Agenda Blog, World Economic Forum (WEF), 12 Sep 2017.
“Erfurter Moschee erhitzt die Gemüter - Islam-Experte beantwortet eure Fragen", Interview mit Martin Kappel, vom Medienportal „Thüringen 24“ über die Proteste gegen den Moscheebau der Ahmadiyya in Erfurt, 22 Dec 2016.
“Einfluss südasiatischer Muslime nicht zu unterschätzen”, Interview mit Florian Beißwanger für „Cicero – Magazin für politische Kultur” über Islam in Südasien, 28 Oct 2016, Berlin.
Interview on YouTube by organisers of “India International Islamic Academic Conference of the SIO” (Students Islamic Organisation of India), 8-9 Oct 2016, Delhi, India.
The Economist: Back ground info talk with Bruce Clark, Online Editor for Public Policy, Religion & Ethics, on Islamic education in Western Europe (Germany, Britain, France) for article on Islam in Europe, 02 August 2016 at ZMO, published “The Faith of our Fathers”, 20 August 2016.
BBC 4 / BBC World : back ground Interview for 2-part radio documentaries on the Deoband tradition, with Richard Fenton-Smith, Senior Producer Current Affairs, 9 July 2015, broadcast 05 April 2016 (part 1) and 12 April 2016 (part 2).
Studiogespräch with N24, Thomas Klug, in den Nachrichten zu ISIS und ihrem Verhältnis zur Zerstörung von Kulturgütern in Mossul sowie zu Gründen, warum jemand wie der aus London stammende “Jihadi John” zur ISIS kam. 27.02.2015
Interview with Mittelbayrische Zeitung on the beliefs and practices of the Ahmadiyya community, 27 January 2015: “Ahmadiyya ist kooperativ”.
Interview with RadioEins (RadioOne) of Berlin-Brandenburg public radio (Katja Weber; Jenni Zylka), on whether to be scared of Islam or not (live). (German) Große Themen - keine Meinung? radioeinsnews talk show, 9 January 2015.
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Asienkunde (DGA)
- Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Vorderer Orient (DAVO)
- European Association of South Asian Studies (EASAS)
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