Tobias Delfs – Representations of the Past

Colonial Deviance in the 18th Century in a Global Historical Perspective. The Example of the Danish-English-Halle India Missionary Lambert Christian Früchtenicht (1772–1806?)

Dr. Tobias Delfs

The project focuses on the manifestations and effects of colonial deviance in the 18th century. Based on the example of the Indian missionary Lambert Christian Früchtenicht a regional and thematic comparative perspective is opened, which goes beyond the Christian mission and includes other areas relevant to colonial history such as trade, seafaring, the military or the colonial administration. By analyzing actions and reactions in local and translocal networks, colonial deviance is placed in a global historical context. The result will be a research edition on Früchtenicht and an anthology with thematically and geographically different case studies in comparative perspectives.

This research project is part of Modern India in German Archives, 1706–1989 (MIDA), a long-term project supported by the German Research Council (DFG) with the participation of Prof. Dr. Ravi Ahuja, Centre for Modern Indian Studies (CeMIS), Universität Göttingen, Dr. Heike Liebau, Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient (ZMO) Berlin, and Prof. Dr. Michael Mann, Institut für Asien- und Afrikawissenschaften (IAAW), HU Berlin.