Leibniz-Forschungsverbund "Wert der Vergangenheit"

Leibniz Research Alliance “Value of the Past”

At the center of the interdisciplinary Leibniz Research Alliance “Value of the Past” (LFVWdV), founded in 2021, are “processes of value formation and value competition in social debates about the past”.

The research network analyses the relevance and status of the past for societies, especially in times of political and social transformation, but also in crises and conflicts on a national or global scale. Scholars from 21 institutes, research museums and educational science institutions of the Leibniz Association work together with national and international co-operation partners within the framework of the network.

The debates focus on the following themes:

  • evidence regimes that organise the representation of past and
  • interdependence of spatial and temporal patterns of organisation in processes of past-related value attributions


  • the past as a public resource.

The network builds on the work of the Leibniz Research Alliance "Historical Authenticity".


ZMO has been actively involved in the Research Alliance “Value of the Past” network from the very beginning. In particular, ZMO employees are involved in debates about reassessments of history by different social actors as well as their social consequences in democracies, dictatorships and authoritarian regimes.



Dr. Heike Liebau  heike.liebau(at)zmo.de

Dr. Katharina Lange katharina.lange(at)zmo.de


Heike Liebau: heike.liebau(at)zmo.de

Leiterin des ZMO-Forschungsbereiches Geschichtsbilder als mobilisierende Kraft am ZMO und stellvertretende Sprecherin des Leibniz-Forschungsverbundes Wert der Vergangenheit. Heike Liebau koordiniert gemeinsam mit Arnold Bartetzky vom GWZO Leipzig und Magnus Brechtken vom IfZ München das LAB 3.1. Streitwert der Vergangenheit.