
Dr. Diliara Brileva


Forschungsprojekt: "Public Theology: The Formation of New Theological Discourse in the Periodical Press of Muslim Tatars in Late Imperial Russia" (AvH)
Regionaler Schwerpunkt: Russia, especially the Volga-Urals region; Ukraine; Middle East, especially Turkey
Dr. Diliara Brileva
Dr. Diliara Brileva


Since 4/2023
Philipp Schwartz Initiative of Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Fellow, Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient
2019 - 2024
Junior Research Fellow at the A. Krymskyi Institute of Oriental Studies, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
2018 - 2019
Independent Researcher
2015 - 2018
Lecturer at the Department of Religious Studies, Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia


2016 - 2018
MA in Islamic Theology, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Kazan, Russia
2007 - 2012
PhD (kandidatskaia degree) in History, The Academy of Sciences of Tatarstan, Kazan, Russia
2005 - 2011
Specialist degree in Law, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Kazan, Russia
2002 - 2007
Specialist degree in the Arabic Language and Literature, Kazan State University, Kazan, Russia

Scholarships, Research Fellowships

Since April 2023
Philipp Schwartz Initiative of Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation, The Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient (ZMO) in Berlin, Germany
January 2023
Leibniz Fellowship “Value of the Past”, The Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient (ZMO) in Berlin, Germany
July - December 2022
Philipp Schwartz Initiative of Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation, The Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient (ZMO) in Berlin, Germany
April - June 2022
Visiting Research Fellowship 2022, The Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient (ZMO) in Berlin, Germany
January - February 2019
Visiting Research Fellowship 2019, The Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient (ZMO) in Berlin, Germany



Galimjan Ibrahimov. Z іstorії rukhu tatarsʹkoho studentstva. Korotkі spohady [From the history of the Tatar student movement. Short memories] Introductory article, translation from Old Tatar, comments and notes by D. S. Brileva and D. V. Brylov. Kyiv: Institute of Oriental Studies named after A. Yu. Krymskyi of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 2020. 140 p. (in Ukrainian, Old Tatar, Modern Tatar)

Book Chapter

Writing visual history of Turkey: «glorious history» in mainstream cinema vs «complicated history» in art house films, in: Pierre Hecker, Ivo Furman, and Kaya Akyıldız (eds) The Politics of Culture in ‘New Turkey’. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press 2021, pp. 239-252.

Peer-reviewed Publications

Embedding Crimea in Russia(n Empire): Russian views on Crimea in the series ‘Kurt Seyit and Shura/Alexandra.’ International Communication Gazette, 2023, 85(3–4), 307–324.

Periodychna presa tatar Ukrayiny: analiz vizual’noho materialu [Periodical press of the Tatars of Ukraine: Analysis of visual material], Shìdnij svìt [The World of the Orient], 2021, 1, 35-46. (in Ukraininan)

Blagosostoianie kak dostoinstvo: publichnye diskussii v periodicheskoi presse tatar-musul'man Rossiiskoi imperii nachala 20 veka [Welfare as dignity: public discussions in the periodical press of the Muslim Tatars of the Russian Empire in the early twentieth century], Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Istoriia [Journal of Tomsk State University. History], 2021, 72, 15-23. (in Russian)

Periodychna presa povolz’kykh tatar Ukrayiny: pam”yat’, identychnist’, nostal’hiya [The periodic press of the Volga Tatars of Ukraine: Memory, identity and nostalgia], Shìdnij svìt [The World of the Orient], 2020, 1, 77-88. (in Ukraininan)

Tarikh-e milli: «svoia istoriia» v zhurnale «Shura» [Tarih-e milli: “Our history” in the “Shura” journal], Islamology, 2020, 1, 51-66. (in Russian)

Diskussii o tafsirakh Korana v periodicheskoi presse tatar-musul'man Rossiiskoi imperii nachala XX v. (na materialakh zhurnala "Shura') [Discussions About Tafsirs of the Qur’an in the Periodical Press of the Muslim Tatars of the Russian Empire in the Early Twentieth Century (on the Materials of the Journal «Shura»)], Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Seriia 13. Vostokovedenie [Bulletin of Moscow University. Series 13. Oriental Studies], 2019, 3, 19-31. (in Russian)

Kontseptsiia «novogo musul'manina» mezhdu dvumia revoliutsiiami (po materialam zhurnala «Shura», 1908-1917)' [The Concept of New Muslim between the Two Revolutions on the Pages of «Shura» Journal (1908-1917)], Gosudarstvo, religiya, tserkov v Rossii i za rubezhom [State, Religion and Church in Russia and Worldwide], 2019, 1/2 (37), 417-433. (in Russian)

O zhenshchine i ustami zhenshchiny: musulʹmanka v tatarskoĭ periodicheskoĭ pechati nachala ХХ v.’ [Women Talking About Women: A Muslim Woman in the Tatar Periodical Press of the Early 20th Century], Gosudarstvo, religiya, tserkov v Rossii i za rubezhom [State, Religion and Church in Russia and Worldwide], 2018, 2 (36), 17–36. (in Russian)


Burning Kazan: Visualizing the Trauma of the Conquest of Kazan in the Children's Magazine «Salawat Küpere» («Rainbow»). Post-Socialist Memory in a Global Perspective: Postcolonialism, Post-transition, Post-trauma, PoSoCoMeS, on-line, 21 September – 1 October 2020.

Fear of imperial censorship: World War I in the Tatar Muslim periodical press in late imperial Russia. Wars in intellectual and artistic reflection: media and the production of knowledge in Eastern Europe, 1900-1939, Marburg, Germany. 10-11 October 2019.

The Turkic identity in the periodical press of the Muslim Tatars in the early 20th century. XIII International Turkic Art, History and Folklore Сongress “Turkey-Ukraine Relations”, Kyiv, Ukraine. 21-23 May 2019.

Constructing the concept of «Traditional Islam» in the Republic of Tatarstan after the collapse of the USSR. At Home: Jews and Muslims in Eastern Europe. Prisma Ukraïna – Research Network Eastern Europe, Forum Transregionale Studien, the German Association for East European Studies, Berlin, Germany. 28-29 June 2018.

Writing visual history of Turkey: «glorious history» in mainstream cinema vs «complicated history» in arthouse films. Paper presented at the workshop “The Politics of Culture in Contemporary Turkey». Philipps-Universität Marburg, Marburg, Germany. 14-16 February 2018.

Rizaetdin Fakhretdin and the Journal "Shura". Invited lecture delivered at the course of advanced training "Tatar theological thought" for imams, assistants of imams, and teachers of madrasahs. 16 November 2017. (In Russian)

The concept of “New Muslim” between the two revolutions according to the journal Shura (1908–1917). Paper presented at the conference «Religion and Russian Revolution”. The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia. 26-28 October 2017. (In Russian)

From [Self]Humiliation to Dignity: the Discourse of the Muslim Tatars of the Russian Empire of the Early Twentieth Century (As Covered by the Journal “Shura” (1908–1917)). Paper presented at the Conference «Dignity as a historical concept and central category of our time». The European University at St. Petersburg, The "New Literary Observer" journal. Moscow, Russia. 02-04 June 2017. (In Russian)

The Qur’an in the periodical press of the Muslim Tatars of the Russian Empire in the early 20th century. Paper presented at the “10th International Conference on Quranic Researches”. The University of Quranic Education, Qom, Iran. 24-25 April 2017.

Periodical Press of the Muslim Tatars of the Russian Empire in the early 20th century as a meeting place for different "Islams". Paper presented at the conference “Global Muslim Encounters”. University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK. 09-10 December 2016.

Courses Taught

Academic years 2015/2016, 2016/2017, 2017/2018: Department of Religious Studies, Islamic Theology MA Program, Christian Theology MA Program, Religious Studies MA Program, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Kazan, Russia

  • History of Islam in Russia;
  • Islam in modern Russia;
  • Islam in the modern world;
  • Politics of culture;
  • Modern and historical geography of religions;
  • Visual anthropology of religion;
  • Academic writing.

Thesis Supervision

Dinara Hannanova, MA Thesis, Raising Children in Tatar Muslim Families in the Modern Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, defended June 2017

Alina Askhadullina, MA Thesis, Legal Status of Women in Saudi Arabia, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, defended June 2017

Dinar Shaimardanov, MA Thesis, Music in Islam: Islamic Musical Forms in the Context of the Tatar Religious Traditions, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, defended June 2017

Elina Mukhametjanova, MA Thesis, Pragmalinguistic Features of Modern Islamic Feminist Discourse, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, defended June 2018

Arman Nurakhmetuly, MA Thesis, Salafi Ideas in Kazakhstan, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, defended June 2018


  • Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Vorderer Orient für gegenwartsbezogene Forschung und Dokumentation (since 2023)


  • Tatar, Russian: native speaker
  • Turkish, English: advanced level
  • Arabic, Persian, Ukrainian: intermediate level
  • German: pre-intermediate level
  • Hebrew: elementary level
  • The Old Tatar language (advanced reading skills)
  • The Ottoman Turkish language (improving reading skills)