1. Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient
  2. Veranstaltungen
  3. Life in Fatehvadi. Naming and Omission
ZMO on Tour

Life in Fatehvadi. Naming and Omission

In a small neighborhood in India (Gujarat), a tension is palpable between the imperatives
of regularly engaging in formal Muslim prayer (namaz) and the unfinished lives in which
residents are caught. In worship, Muslims are supposed to be equal while new forms of
class relations based on labor exploitation in the city harshly contradict this ideal. There is,
then, a complicated relation between two types of activity, which, for the time being, I refer
to as “labor” (Arbeit), one secular, the other religious. Their mutual relation offers a
window into an understanding how rural migrants appropriate new religious styles, move
in and out of formal prayer and informal labor, and what this means for social organization
in Ahmedabad and conceptualizations of the sacred.

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Diese Veranstaltung gehört zur Vortragsreihe
Vortragsreihe im Wintersemester 2023/24
Berlin Anthropology Series
