Research Group "Learning Intelligence"
Learning Intelligence: The Exchange of Secret Service Knowledge between Germany and the Arab Middle East 1960–2010
The research group Learning Intelligence investigates and analyses the exchange of secret service knowledge between German and Arab intelligence agencies between 1960 and 2010. The group carries out the project titled “Learning Intelligence: The Exchange of Secret Service Knowledge between Germany and the Arab Middle East”, which is funded by a Freigeist Fellowship Grant from the Volkswagen Foundation.
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Noura Chalati
Affiliated Researcher
Phone: +49-(0)30-80307-144 Email: noura.chalati(at)
2022, Forum Nachrichtendienste. ZIB - Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen 29 (2).
2022, Sophia Hoffmann, Noura Chalati and Ali Dogan. “Rethinking intelligence practices and processes: three sociological concepts for the study of intelligence,” Intelligence and National Security (open access).
2022, Hoffmann, Sophia. "The geopolitical economy of state-led intelligence-commerce: two examples from Iraq and West Germany," Globalizations.
2021, Dogan, Ali. “Saddam's Mukhabarat in West Germany: Monitoring and Silencing the Iraqi Opposition”, Wilson Center, Washington D.C.
2021, Dogan, Ali. "West Germany's Secret Back Channel to Iraq", Wilson Center, Washington D.C.
2021, Hoffmann, Sophia. "Circulation, not Cooperation: Towards a new understanding of intelligence agencies as transnationally constituted knowledge providers", Intelligence and National Security, online first 1st Juli 2021.
2021, Dogan, Ali. "Saudi Arabia's Neom Diplomacy", Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 3rd March 2021.
2020, Chalati, Noura. "Illness as Metaphor and Reality in Syria", Middle East Report 297 (Winter 2020).
2020, Hoffmann, Sophia. "The possibilities and limits of ethnography: two examples from Syria and Jordan". In: Schlichte, K. and Biecker, S., eds.,The Political Anthropology of Internationalized Politics. ML: Rowman and Littlefield.
2020, Hoffmann, Sophia. "Humanitarian Corridor"; "Sovereignty"; "Impartiality"; "International Cooperation". In: De Lauri, A., ed., Humanitarianism: Keywords. Leiden: Brill.
2020, Hoffmann, Sophia. "Arab students and the Stasi: Agents and objects of intelligence", Security Dialogue, Online First, 31st March 2020.
2019, Hoffmann, Sophia. "Why is there no IR scholarship on intelligence? Some ideas for a new approach", ZMO Working Papers Nr 23, Berlin: ZMO.