
Arabic titles in the online catalogue

The norm for transliteration of Arabic titles in our electronic catalogue system is the international standard ISO 233 (International Organization for Standardization's norm for Transliteration of Arabic characters into Latin characters) which is also the german DIN 31635. So one should whrite in the input field of the online catalogue 

t for thāʾg for jīmh for khāʾd for dhāls for shīng for ghayna for tāʾ marbūṭaiya for nisba feminine singularai and au for diphthongsiy and uw for doubling of wāw and yāʾ.

To Arab personal names applies the standardised form of RAK-WB (e.g. Ibn-Bībī, Abu-'l-Faḍl, ʿAbdallāh, ʿAbd-ar-Raḥmān, Muʾaiyad fi 'd-Dīn).