Archival Resources

Statement estates

Guidelines on use of materials from the archive collections of the ZMO

In using this electronic inventory and the documents listed therein, I undertake, in case of further use of any data from the archive collections of the ZMO in my publications, presentations, research papers, contributions to discussions etc., to refer to the origin of the materials from the respective scholarly collections and to the Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient in Berlin as the depository of these scholar estates. I further agree to forward a copy of my publication to the library of the ZMO.

The institutional repository of the ZMO has been under construction since May 2022. Where possible, publications and research materials are made available in Open Access under the appropriate license. All metadata available in the Institutional Repository of the ZMO, with the exception of abstracts, are under the CC 1.O Universal License. (For the use of research materials that require GDPR conformity and are part of the archive material, the application for use must be completed)