The ZMO online series Texts in Context presents previously unpublished historical and contemporary sources from the ZMO research regions in original versions and with translation into German or English. ZMO thus makes primary materials available that reflect important voices and discourses of non-European modernity and whose underlying debates shaped and continue to shape social life and political or religious interactions. Each of the texts published here is introduced by a short essay explaining the contexts and, where possible, the circumstances of their creation and, if known, providing relevant information about the author. The main task of the essay is to present the relevance and significance of the source presented and to provide references to the relevant fields of research and scholarly debates.
Texts in Context
Latest Texts in Context
ZMO Text in Context No. 4
Critique and defence of Sufism in Tatar theological thought: Ziyaetdin Kamali and Musa Bigiev
Translated from Old Tatar by Leila Almazova. Edited by Leila Almazova, Leo Hedrich and Stefan B. Kirmse
2024; urn:nbn:de:101:1-2405081455363.70395604910
ZMO Text in Context No. 3
Konstantin Lavrskii (1884)
Einleitung von Stefan B. Kirmse
2023; urn:nbn:de:101:1-2023031709322313282340
ZMO Text in Context No. 2
Die Zukunft von der Vergangenheit befreien? Und die Vergangenheit von der Zukunft?
Mohammed Abed al-Jabri (1998)
Einleitung von Sonja Hegasy
2022 ; urn:nbn:de:101:1-2022092013413772623025
ZMO Text in Context No. 1
Abdallah Hanna
تاريخ من لا تاريخ لهم يوميات السجين أحمد سويدان 1991-1992
History of Those Who Have None. Diaries of Prisoner Ahmad Suwaydan 1991–1992
Vorwort zur Einleitung von Ulrike Freitag; urn:nbn:de:101:1-2022071416160127053513