
Dr. Canay Şahin

Regional focus: Ottoman Empire, especially Black Sea
Dr. Canay Şahin
Dr. Canay Şahin


Research Fellow, Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin
09/2021 - 08/2021
Researcher, Centre d’études turques, ottomanes, balkaniques et centre asiatiques (CETOBaC), École Des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), Paris.
2005 - 2017
Assistant Professor, Yıldız Technical University, Department of Economics, Economic History, Istanbul.
2001 - 2003
Research Assistant, Yıldız Technical University, Department of Economics, Economic History, Istanbul.
Teaching Assistant, Bilkent University, Department of History, Ankara.
1996 - 2000
Research Assistant, Bilkent University, Department of History, Ankara.


1996 - 2004
Ph.D. in History, “The Rise and Fall of an Ayan Family in Eighteenth Century Anatolia: The Caniklizades (1737-1808)”, Bilkent University, Ankara.
1993 - 1996
MA in History, “A Comparative Study of Share-Cropping System in the Ottoman Empire”, Bilkent University, Ankara.
1985 - 1990
Bachelor of Science in Public Administration and Political Science, Middle East Technical University, Ankara.

Scholarships, Research Fellowships

Research Fellow, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin.
09/2020 - 08/2021
Researcher, College de France and École Des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), Centre d’études turques, ottomanes, balkaniques et centre asiatiques (CETOBaC), Paris.
2006 - 2007
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin. (Scholarship from Turkish Academy of Sciences (TÜBA), Fritz-Thyssen Foundation, Gerda-Henkel Foundation)
2003 - 2004
Post-Doctoral Fellow, EUME, Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin.
Visiting Researcher, Oxford Center for Islamic Studies (Scholarship from Bilkent University).
1996 - 2001
Ph.D Scholarship, Bilkent University.

Teaching Experience

Economic and Social History of the Ottoman Empire (undergraduate)

Economic and Social History of Europe (undergraduate)

Social Structure and Change in the Ottoman Empire (graduate)

Economy and Society in 18th Century Ottoman Empire (undergraduate and graduate)

Social History (undergraduate)

History of Civilizations (undergraduate)


2022-2023, (Under consideration for publication with Brill Publishers, The Ottoman Empire and Its Heritage), “The Rise and Fall of an Ayan Family in Eighteenth Century Anatolia: The Caniklizades (1737-1808)”.

2018, “Rebellion and Revolt in Canik (1805-6)”, 22-CIÉPO Comité International Des Études Pré-Ottomanes et Ottomanes, ed. K. İnan, M. Tosun, D. Çolak, vol.1, Trabzon.

2016, “ The Emergence of Private Property in Ottoman Anatolia in the 19th Century”, Proceedings of the 2nd Annual International Conference on Social Sciences (AICSS), vol.2, 2-3 June 2016, Istanbul, Turkey.

2012, “Steuerpacht im Osmanischen Reich im 18. Jahrhundert: Ausverkauf oder elfolgreiches Outsourcing?” in (eds.) P. Rauscher, A. Serles, T. Winkelbauer, Das Blut des Staatskörpers Forschungen Zur Finanzgeschichte Der Frühen Neuzeit, München: Oldenburg, 2012. ( Marlene Kurz from English “Tax-Farming in the 18th Century Ottoman Empire: Clearance Sale or Successful Outsourcing?”)

2010, “1777-1778’de Osmanlı-Rus İlişkileri, Rumeli Kazaskeri Murad Mehmed Efendi”, Toplumsal Tarih, 199, p. 52-58.

2007, “Ondokuzuncu Yüzyılda Samsun’da Çiftlik Sahibi Hazinedarzadeler ile Kiracı Köylüler Arasındaki Arazi ve Vergi İhtilafı Üzerine Bazı Gözlemler ve Sorular”, Kebikeç, 24, 2007, 77-90.

2005, “The Economic Power of Anatolian Ayans of the Late Eighteenth Century: The Case of the Caniklizades”, International Journal of Turkish Studies, 11/1-2, 2005, 29-49.

2004, “The Rise and Fall of an Ayan Family in Eighteenth Century Anatolia: The Caniklizades (1737-1808)”, Ph. D. Thesis, Bilkent University, 2004.

2001, “Yeni Bir Çalışma Işığında Osmanlı’da Dış Borçlanma ve Mali İflas Üzerine”, Doğu Batı, 17, 2001-2000, 55-66.

2000, 2018, (trans.), Rifa’at Ali Abou El-Haj, Modern Devletin Doğası: Onaltıncı Yüzyıldan Onsekizinci Yüzyıla Osmanlı İmparatorluğu, Ankara: İmge Yayınları, (With Oktay Özel). 

Conference Papers

2019, “19. Yüzyılda Batı Karadeniz’de “Toprak Sorunu”: Çiftlik Sahipleri ve Köylüler”, (“Land Question in the Western Black Sea in the Nineteenth Century: Çiftlik-Holders and Peasants”), 16.Ulusal Sosyal Bilimler Kongresi (16th National Congress of Social Sciences), METU, Ankara, 26-28 November.

2016, “Rebellion and Revolt in Canik (1805-6)”, 22-CIÉPO 4-8 October 2016, Comité International Des Études Pré-Ottomanes et Ottomanes, Trabzon, Turkey.

2016, “ The Emergence of Private Property in Ottoman Anatolia in the 19th Century”, 2nd Annual International Conference on Social Sciences (AICSS), 2-3 June 2016, Istanbul, Turkey.

2013, “Eski ile Yeni Arasında Tayyar Mahmud Paşa”, 18. Yüzyılda Osmanlı İmparatorluğu, Süreklilik ve Değişim, 11-13 Haziran 2013, İstanbul Şehir Üniversitesi. 

2011, “Tayyar Mahmud Pasha in Ottoman Politics at the turn of the 19th Century”, 12th International Congress of Ottoman Social and Economic History (ICOSEH), 10-16 July 2011, Retz, Austria.

2011, “Ottoman Provincial Power-Holders in the Eighteenth Century”, Eighteenth-Century Crossroads in Ottoman Studies, Central European University, 26-28 May 2011, Budapest.

2009, “Financial Centralization and Decentralized Administration in Eighteenth Century Ottoman Empire”, The Blood of the State: Early Modern Financial History Current Researches and Perspectives, International Symposium, 23-25 September 2009, Vienna.

2008, Ottoman Eighteenth Century Revisited: Dynastic Notables and Networks”, 11th International Congress of Social and Economic History of Turkey, 17-20 June 2008, Bilkent University, Ankara.

2007, “Onsekizinci Yüzyılın İkinci Yarısında Yükselen Bölgesel Bir Gücün Ekonomik Profili”, First Congress of Economic History of Turkey, Marmara University, 7-8 September 2007, Istanbul.

2005, “Dispute between Landlords and Cultivators Over Land in the Nineteenth Century Black Sea Region”, 10th International Congress of Social and Economic History of Turkey, 28 September-1 October 2005, Venice.

2004, “Local Powers, Central Authority and Consuls in the Province of Trabzon (1830-1880), Mapping Out the Eastern Mediterranean, Orient Institute, 16-19 December 2004, Beirut.


2020, “On the Survey of Estate-Lands (Çiftliks) in the 19th Century Ottoman Anatolia: State, Landlords and Peasants”, Centre d’études turques, ottomanes, balkaniques et centre asiatiques, (CETOBAC), 12 November 2020, Paris.

2017, “Onsekizinci Yüzyıl Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda İktidar Mücadeleleri: Caniklizadeler Örneğinde Taşra Hanedanları”, Tarih Vakfı Ankara Tartışmaları, June 2017, Ankara. 

2017, “18. Yüzyıl Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda Merkez-Taşra İlişkisi ve Ayanlar”, ODTÜ Bahar Dersleri, April 2017, Ankara.

2009, “18. Yüzyıl Osmanlı Taşrasında Güç İlişkileri”, Küresel İncelemeler Merkezi, Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, November 2009, Istanbul.

2007, “Urban Notables in Ottoman Anatolia”, Ottoman Urban Studies Seminar, April 2007, Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin.

2003, “Eighteenth Century Ottoman Notables”, Department of Islamic Studies (Islamwissenschaft), Frei University, November 2003, Berlin.

Other Work

2013-2021: Referee in the Advisory Board of the Toplumsal Tarih (Social History Journal), Tarih Vakfı, Istanbul  and referee of Journal of Ottoman Studies.

2018-2020: Editor, İmge Kitabevi Yayınları, Ankara.

(Books Edited: Peter Marshall, History of Anarchism; Jack Holland, A Brief History of Misogyny: The World’s Oldest Prejudice; Paul Lindner, Nomads and Ottomans; UNESCO, History of Humanity, vol.3, etc.) 

2012-2013: General Secretary and Executive Committee member of Economic and Social History Foundation (Tarih Vakfı) İstanbul; organizer of Thursday Talks of Tarih Vakfı.

2007-2009: Associated Dean, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Yıldız Technical University.

1995-1996: Researcher, History of Trade Unionism in Turkey, Tarih Vakfı, Ankara.