Dr. Nitin Sinha
Head of Research Unit "State and Society"

Grants and Awards
2012, Communication and Colonialism in Eastern India, Bihar: 1760s–1880s, Anthem Press, London and New York, [ppb 2014; Indian edition 2014].
2021, Sinha, Nitin; Kumar, Prabhat (Ed.)Lesser Lives - Stories of Domestic Servants in India, Pan Macmillan, India, Delhi, 2021, 224 p..
2019, Nitin Sinha, Nitin Varma & Pankaj Jha, eds., Servants’ Pasts, 16th–18th Centuries, Vol. 1, Orient Blackswan, New Delhi.
2019, Nitin Sinha & Nitin Varma, eds., Servants’ Pasts, 18th–20th Centuries, Vol. 2, Orient Blackswan, New Delhi.
2021, "Genealogies of “Verification: Policing the Master–Servant Relationship in Colonial and Postcolonial India", International Review of Social History, 1-33.
2021, "Domestic Servants and Master – Servant Regulations in Colonial Calcutta, 1750s–1810s", Past and Present.
2021, 'Who Is (Not) a Servant, Anyway? Domestic servants and service in early colonial India*', Modern Asian Studies , 55, pp. 152-206. Open Access
2018, ‘The Idea of Home in a World of Circulation: Steam, Women & Migration through Folksongs’, International Review of Social History, 63, 2, 203–238. Open access.
2017, ‘Infrastructural Governance and Social History: Roads in Colonial and Postcolonial India’, History Compass, 15, 9, pp. 1–10.
2016, ‘Engines vs. Elephants: Train Tales of India Modernity’, Interdisziplinäre Zeitschrift für Südasienforschung 1, pp. 112–130. Open access
2015, ‘Railway Imperialism: A Small Town Perspective on Global History, Jamalpur, 1860s–1900s’, Comparativ: A Journal of Global History and Comparative Studies, 25, 4, pp. 17–34.
2014, ‘Contract, Work and Resistance: Boatmen in Early Colonial Eastern India, 1760s–1850s’, International Review of Social History, 59, S22, pp. 11–43.
2014, ‘Fluvial Landscape and the State: Property and the Gangetic Diaras in Colonial India, 1790s–1890s’, Environment and History, 20, 2, pp. 209–37.
2013, With Katharina Lange & Sebastian Prange, ‘Reflecting on ‘Muslim Worlds – World of Islam’ from a Spatial Perspective’, ZMO Programmatic Texts, No. 7.
2012, ‘Entering the Black Hole: Between ‘Mini-England’ and ‘Smell-Like Rotten Potato’, the Railway-Workshop Town of Jamalpur, 1860s–1940s’, South Asian History and Culture, 3, 3, pp. 317–47.
2008, ‘World of Workers’ Politics: Some Issues of Railway Workers in Colonial India, 1918–1922’, Modern Asian Studies, 42, 5, pp. 999–1033.
2008, ‘Mobility, Control and Criminality in Colonial India, 1760s–1850s’, Indian Economic and Social History Review, 45, 1, pp. 1–33.
2016, ‘The Making of India’s Modernity’, International School of Social History Newsletter, no. 73, Spring, pp. 24–5.
2014, ‘Opinion’ and ‘Violence’: Whiteness, Empire and State-formation in Colonial India’, South Asia Chronicle, 4, pp. 322–51.
2012, ‘Continuity and Change: The Eighteenth Century and Indian Historiography’, South Asia Chronicle, 2, pp. 416–40.
2008, ‘Anxiety, Fear and Change: 1857 and Colonial Rule in Bihar’, Prajna Bharati: The Journal of the K. P. Jayaswal Research Institute, Patna, 14, pp. 33–50.
2007, ‘Forms of Workers’ Protest amidst Dilemmas of Contesting Mobilizations: The Jamalpur strike of 1919 and 1928’, Sephis E Magazine: Special Issue on Labour in Memory of Late Rajnarayan Chandavarkar, 3, 2.
2007, ‘Contest and Communication: The Geography of Rebellion in Bihar’, Biblio: A Review of Books: A Special Issue on 1857, xii, March–April.
2021, Questioning Railway-Centrism: Infrastructural Governance and Cultures of the Colonial Transport System, 1760s-1900s. In: Fischer-Tiné, Harald; Framke, Maria (Ed.), Routledge Handbook of the History of Colonialism in South Asia, Routledge, London, p. 281-292.
2019, “Servant Problem’ and the ‘Social Subaltern’ of Early Colonial Calcutta", in Nitin Sinha, Nitin Varma & Pankaj Jha, eds., Servants’ Pasts, 16th–18th Centuries, Vol. 1, Orient Blackswan, New Delhi.
2018, ‘The Home and the World in Indian Folksongs of Marriage and Migration’, in James Williams & Felicitas Hentschke, eds., To Be at Home: House, Work, and Self in Modern World, De Gruyter, Oldenbourgh, pp. 154–60.
2017, ‘Measuring Disaster?: ‘Everydayness’ of Fluvial Landscape and Colonial State in Gangetic Diaras, 1790s–1880s’, in Gerrit Schenk, ed., Historical Disaster Experiences: Towards a Comparative and Transcultural History of Disasters Across Asia and Europe, Springer Press, Cham, pp. 369–78.
2016, ‘Law, Agro-ecology and Colonialism in mid-Gangetic India, 1770s–1910s’, in Gunnel Cederlöf & Sanjukta Das Gupta, eds., Subjects, Citizens, and Law: Colonial and Independent India, Routledge, London, pp. 163–190.
2009, ‘Protest and Mobilization: Aspects of Workers’ Resistance and Control’, in Marcel van der Linden and Prabhu Mohapatra, eds., Labour Matters: Towards Global Histories: Studies in Honour of Sabyasachi Bhattacharya, Tulika, New Delhi, pp. 280–94.
2007, ‘Forged Linkages and the ‘Spectre’ of 1857: A Few Instances from Bihar’, in Sharmistha Gooptu & Boria Majumdar, eds., Revisiting 1857: History, Myth, Memory, Roli Books, Delhi, pp. 52–69.
2018, Jon Wilson, ‘India Conquered: Britain’s Raj and the Chaos of Empire’, Reviews in History, http://www.history.ac.uk/reviews/review/2224.
2017, Clive Dewey, ‘Steamboats on the Indus: The Limits of Western Technological Superiority in South Asia’, The English Historical Journal, December.
2014, Valeska Huber, ‘Channelling Mobilities: Migration and Globalisation in the Suez Canal Region and Beyond, 1869-1914’, The International Journal of Maritime History, 26, 4.
Lata Singh, ‘Popular Translations of Nationalism: Bihar, 1920-22’, https://newbooks.asia/review/popular-translations-nationalism.
2011, Iftekhar Iqbal, ‘The Bengal Delta: Ecology, State and Social Change, 1840-1943’, South Asia Chronicle, 1.
Contributions to Public Media
Several opinion pieces in The Wire:
In English: http://thewire.in/author/nitin-sinha/
In English, with Vidhya Raveendranathan:
Professional Expert Services
- Series Editor, New Perspectives on South Asian History, Orient Blackswan, Delhi.
- Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Transport History.
- Book manuscript review for: Cambridge University Press, Oxford University Press, Routledge.
- Article submission review for peer-reviewed journals: Comparative Studies in Society and History, Environment and History, Modern Asian Studies, Indian Economic and Social History Review, South Asian History and Culture, Journal of Women’s History, Histor
- Project evaluation: for Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), UK.
- Ph.D external examination, University of Delhi, India.
- Co-founder of Young South Asia Scholars Meet (Y-SASM).
Panel & Conference Organization (select)
Invited Lectures (select)
Invited Presentations & Engagement as Discussant (select)
- European Association of South Asian Studies.
- The Association of Indian Labour Historians.
- European Social Science History Congress.
- English (professional)
- Hindi (mother tongue)
- Bengali (intermediate)
- Bhojpuri (fluent)
- Urdu (basic)