Dr. Sana Chavoshian
Research Fellow

2022, "In the Aura of the Prophet: Dreaming Sayyida Fatimah and Tropes of Connectedness in Iran’s Women Pious Circles". Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section 1 The Near and Middle East, Leiden.
022, "Islamwissenschaft an den Grenzen von Wissenschaft, Religion und Politik: Eine feldanalytische Perspektive". Soziale Welt, Vol. 25. Co-authored with Monika Wohlrab-Sahr.
2021, "Military Hero to Martyr: crafting singularity and the formation of Muslim collective subjectivity in an Iranian statist ritual". Asiatische Studien, Vol. 3, 859-879.
2020, "Dream-realities: Materializing the Martyrs and Missing Soldiers of Iran-Iraq War". Religion and Society: Advances in Research 11:1, 149-165. (special section: Elsewhere Affects, eds. Hansjörg Dilger, Omar Kasmani, Nasima Selim, & Dominik Matte).
2019, "Secular Atmospheres: Unveiling and Urban Space in early 20th Century Iran". Historical Social Research, GESIS 44: 3, 180-205 (special issue: Islamicate Secularities in Past and Present, eds. Markus Dressler, Armando Salvatore & Monika Wohlrab-Sahr).
2018, "Challenges for Gender Equality: Women’s Religious Circles in Post-Revolutionary Iran". GENDER Journal for Gender, Culture and Society, 9: 3, 117-132.
2014, "Studying ‘Now-Time”: Constellation and Origin in Walter Benjamin's Methodology” Quarterly Journal of Social Sciences, Allameh Tabatabai University Publication, No. 65, 241-265.
Selected Lectures
23–24 June 2022
Waterwheel of Secularization: Archaic, Secular and Spiritual Divides in the Delta Cities of South-West Iran“. Lecture in the Workshop "(Im)Materiality of the Secular City: Trials and Tribulations” Leipzig University
May12, 2022
"Micro-relics: Dust and the Multiple Returns of the Past in the Landscapes of War". In the Lectureseries "Material Secularities – Interdisciplinary Perspectives". Leipzig University
November 4, 2021
A Dusty Heritage: The Remnants of the Iran-Iraq War between Museum and Former Battlefield.
In NGG 2021 Conference Religion and Heritage: Futures for Religious Pasts. University of Amsterdam
October 28, 2021
War Heritage as ‘the Sacred Defense’: Religious Affects and Secular Resentments in Iran-IraqFormer Warzones.
In the International Workshop Enshrining the Past: Religion and Heritage-Making in a Secular Age, Leipzig University.
September 17, 2021
Veteran Justice Project in Iran, ZMO Workshop Struggles for Justice Past and Present: A Translocal Perspective, Berlin.
18-20 July 2019
Religious Orientations toward Secularity: Iranian Intellectuals in the Post-Revolutionary Time Conference “Pious, Civic and the Secular: Methods and Theory” in ERC Private Pieties, Göttingen.
17-18 January 2019
Martyr’s Ritual and Feminine Pious Subject in Iran’s Post-War Polity Danish-German Scientific Network: Modern Muslim Subjectivities, Approaching Modern Muslim Subjectivities through Religious Rituals, Hamburg.
4–6 October 2018
Differentiation and Temporality: Muslim Pious Women in Tehran’s Behesht-e Zahra Cemetery Secularities - Patterns of Distinction, Paths of Differentiation, Conference of the Center for Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences “Multiple Secularities – Beyond the West, Beyond Modernities”, Leipzig.
17-20 June 2017
Feminist Historiography and Multiple Differentiations: Women’s Agency in early 20th Century Iran Muslim Secularities: Explorations into the Concept of Distinction Practices of Differentiation Center for Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences “Multiple Secularities” workshop, Leipzig.
13-16 September 2017
Dreams and Materiality: Material Spaces in Female Pious Circles in Iran Media, Materiality, Methods: the 22nd Annual Convention of the German Association for the Study of Religion (Panel: Beyond Karbala: Theorizing Shiʿi Materiality”, Chair: Dr. Christian Funke, Dr. Robert Lange) Marburg.
11-12 May 2017
The Unconscious: A Problem Space for Science and Islam Religion und Wissenschaft: Neue Fragen zu einem alten Thema: Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Religionssoziologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS) Berlin.
22 March 2016
From Anti-Western Nativists to Post-Islamist Religious Intellectuals: Trajectories in Iranian Intellectual History Together with Dr. Nahid Mozaffari, KFG “Multiple Secularities Colloquium, Leipzig.
24-26 September 2015
The Mantel of the Prophet”: Modernity, Martyrdom and Pilgrims of Rahiyan-e-Noor The Middle East and the Islamic World in the Mirror of Humanities and Social Sciences: 22nd International Conference of the German Middle East Studies Association (DAVO), first Section Conference of the Islamic Studies Section of the German Oriental Society (DMG), Joint International Conference. (Panel: Muhammadan Ways: Prophet, Self and Community in Early Modern and Modern Islam; Chair: Prof. Dr. Stefan Reichmuth; Dr. Rachida Chih), Bochum.
25-27 June 2015
Martyrdom and Modernity: al-Hallaj and Iran at the Core of Islamic Rebellions Sociology of Islam – Reflection, Revision & Reorientation, Conference of the Section Sociology of Religion in the German Sociological Association in Cooperation with the Centre for Religious Studies (CERES), Bochum.
Recent Teaching
- English: professional fluency
- German: fluent
- Arabic: advanced
- Farsi: native speaker