Florian Coppenrath
Affiliated Researcher
PhD student at the Zentralasienseminar der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (November 2018 - November 2022)
2022: ‘People Were Waiting for That’: Protest Rap and Public Mood in Bishkek.
2020: Zwischen Nationalpopulismus und Neoliberalismus – die aktuellen Entwicklungen in Kirgistan aus Sicht globaler politischer Trends. Zentralasien-Analysen, Vol. 144
2019: Rap in Kyrgyz. ZOiS Spotlight, Vol. 42
with Lena Heller, Kyara Klausmann, Elizaveta Kucherova, Davlatbegim Mamadshoeva, Mariya Petrova, and Björn Reichhardt 2018: To Transfer, but Not to Serve? Central Asian Studies Inside Out: A Workshop Report. Asien Vol. 148
Florian Coppenrath (2021): Dreams of ‘shooting out’: hip-hop music production in Bishkek in the age of streaming. ZMO Working-Papers No. 30, 16p.
Media Articles
07/11/2021: Novastan.org, "Plattenbauromantik und Retrosound: „Serial“ des Bischkeker Duos Wtoroj Ka"
04/11/2021: TV1.KG, "Vecher Trudnogo Dnya #632"
30/08/2021: Novastan.org, „"Was weißt Du schon von mir…“ – Rapper The OM mit Debütalbum IT"
25/04/2021: Novastan.org, „Zentralasien auf der Kinokarte“
5/02/2021: Novastan.org, „Spotify expandiert nach Zentralasien“
28/01/2021: Novastan.org, „Sadyr Dschaparow, der Volksflüsterer“
16/01/2021: Novastan.org, „Kirgistans Kulturminister liebäugelt nach Skandalshow mit Zensur“
09/10/2020: Novastan.org, „Unruhen in Kirgistan: Was hat das mit uns zu tun?“
24/09/2020: Novastan.org, „Strengere Regulierungen für Playback-Konzerte in Kasachstan“
21/04/2020: Salto, “Kirgistan setzt auf private Spenden“
25/02/2020: The Calvert Journal, “How battle rap and streaming platforms are bridging Kyrgyz hip-hop’s elder and youth”
11/10/2018: Dekoder.org, “Hip-Hop in Russland”, Gnose (Researcher’s contribution)
26/01/2018: Novastan.org, “Der zentralasiatische Rap in 10 Tracks”
- 2018: PhD Scholarship from the Friedrich-Ebert Foundation
- 2017: “Innovation” scholarship of the lectureship programme of the Robert Bosch Foundation
- 2014: Scholarship from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
- Board member of the Novastan eV (Berlin) in charge of the editorial work of Novastan.org
- Member of the European Society for Central Asian Studies (ESCAS)
- Member of the association MitOst
- Member of the association n-ost
- German: native speaker
- French: native speaker
- English: full fluency (C2)
- Russian: full fluency (C1-C2)
- Spanish: upper intermediate level (B1-B2)
- Kyrgyz: upper elementary level (A2)
- Uzbek: upper elementary level (A2)