Works council

Works council of the Geisteswissenschaftliche Zentren Berlin e.V.

On the basis of the Works Constitution Act (BetrVG), the elected joint Works Council of the GWZ represents the rights and interests of all employees.

The Council works confidentially. It is committed to promoting good working conditions, social interests, compatibility of career, private life, and family, and provides support in problems and conflicts related to work. The Works Council acts on behalf of people with severe disabilities and equivalent status as well as on behalf of foreign employees. Together with the Centers’ Equal Opportunity Officers, it actively promotes actual gender equality. The Works Council’s general duties and spheres of responsibility are regulated in § 80 of the Works Constitution Act.

Employees of the three institutions ZAS, ZFL, and ZMO can address their concerns to the Council as a whole or to an individual Council member at any time, and not necessarily to Council representatives of their own Center.

GWZ employees elect the Council members for a period of four years. At regular intervals general joint works meetings are held at the GWZ, where the Council presents its activities to the employees, addressing their wishes and concerns.

Georgia Lummert (chairperson / ZFL)

Alisher Karabaev (deputy chairperson / ZMO)

Judith Lippelt (deputy chairperson / ZFL)

Stephanie Solt (deputy chairperson / ZAS)

Stefanie Jannedy  / ZAS

Aksana Ismailbekova / ZMO

Tobias Retz / ZFL

Matthias Schwartz  / ZFL

Jakob Wünsch / ZAS



GWZ-Betriebsrat: betriebsrat(at)

Members ZAS: betriebsrat(at)

Members ZfL:  betriebsrat(at)

Members ZMO: betriebsrat(at)