1950 – 1953 Study of History and German Studies at the Humboldt University in Berlin; subsequently worked at the Institute for General History at the Humboldt University. 1958 Monograph "Contribution to the History of the Prussian Manufactory Industry in the Second Half of the 18th Century with Special Reference to the Situation of the Manufactory Workers".
Dr. Horst Krüger estate
1957 – 1959 Cultural adviser at the GDR trade mission in India. From 1960, work on the new and latest history of India at the Academy of Sciences of the GDR (AdW), first at the Institute for Oriental Research, then as head of the research group South and Southeast Asia of the Central Institute for History of the AdW. Special field: Indian national liberation movement in its relations to the international labour movement. His four-volume work "The International Labour Movement and the Indian National Liberation Movement (Die internationale Arbeiterbewegung und die indische nationale Befreiungsbewegung)" was published in: "Indian Nationalists and the World Proletariat (Indische Nationalisten und Weltproletariat)", Berlin 1984, and "Beginnings of Socialist Thought in India (Anfänge sozialistischen Denkens in Indien)", Berlin 1985.
The library of the Leibniz-Zentrums Moderner Orient acquired Horst Krüger's estate in 1993. The holdings of 3344 monographs are fully catalogued with call numbers according to the model I 94/1076. The holdings of files are accessible via an electronic finding aid. Individual documents can be found here using keywords, some of which are abbreviated. The microfilms from the Krüger estate can be searched in the electronic finding aid under the heading Microfilms Microfiches.