PD Dr. Abdoulaye Sounaye
Leiter des Forschungsfeldes „Umstrittene Religion“
2016, Islam et Modernité Contribution a l’Analyse de La ré-islamisation Au Niger, L’Harmattan.
2010, Muslim Critics of Secularism: Ulama and Democratization in Niger, Lambert Academic.
2022, Kresse, Kai, and Abdoulaye Sounaye. Thinking the Re-Thinking of the World: Decolonial Challenges to the Humanities and Social Sciences from Africa, Asia and the Middle East. Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG.
2022, Sounaye, Abdoulaye, and André Chappatte. Islam and Muslim Life in West Africa: Practices, Trajectories and Influences. Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG.
2021, Governing Muslim Subjects in the Sahel: Deradicalisation and a State-Led Islamic Reform in West Africa. In Daǧyeli, Jeanine Elif; Ghrawi, Claudia; Freitag, Ulrike (Ed.) Claiming and Making Muslim Worlds Religion and Society in the Context of the Global de Gruyter, 2021 p. 101-129.
2021, 'Révolution salafiste en Afrique de l’Ouest', in Politique Africaine, 2, pp. 61-162.
2021, 'Negotiating the Religious in Contemporary Everyday Life in the “Islamic World”', in Göttingen Series in Social and Cultural Anthropology, 16, pp. 129-145.
2021, "Ritual Space and Religion - Young West African Muslims in Berlin, Germany", In: Meyer, Birgit; van der Veer, Peter (Ed.) Refugees and Religion Ethnographic Studies of Global Trajectories, Bloomsbury, pp. 160-176.
2020, 'Cross-border preaching between northern Nigeria and Niger: Practices, actors, and implications of wa’azi. In Apard, É. (Ed.), Transnational Islam : Circulation of religious Ideas, Actors and Practices between Niger and Nigeria. Leiden, Ibadan : IFRA-Nigeria.
2020, “Malama Ta Ce! Women preachers, audiovisual media and the construction of religious authority in Niamey, Niger,” in The Routledge Handbook of Islam and Gender, Tina Howe, pp.222-37
2020, “Les étudiants aussi sont des enfants de Dieu : la religiosite a l’universite Abdou Moumouni de Niamey » In: Entre le Savoir et le Culte, Leonardo A. Villalón, Mamadou Bodian (eds.), Dakar : Amalion, pp.116-144
2018, “Salafi Youth on Campus in Niamey, Niger: Moral Motives, Political Ends”, in: What Politics: Youth and Political Engagement in Africa, Elina Oinas, Henri Onodera and Leena Suurpää, 209–29. Leiden: Brill.
2017, “Salafi Aesthetics: Preaching Among the Sunnance in Niamey, Niger”, in: Journal of Religion in Africa, Volume 47, Issue 1, pp. 9–41.
2017, Introduction, Special Issue Sermon in the City, Journal of Religion in Africa, vol 47, Issue 1, pp. 1–8.
2017, Salafi Revolution in West Africa. Vol. 19. Zentrum Moderner Orient Working Papers.
2016, “Let’s Do Good for Islam: Two Muslim Entrepreneurs in Niamey, Niger”, in: Cultural Entrepreneurship in Africa, 37–57. New York, N.Y.: Routledge.
2016, “Walking to the Makaranta: Production, Circulation, and Transmission of Islamic Learning in Urban Niger”, in: Islamic Education in Africa, Robert Launay, 234–52. Indianapolis and Bloomington.
2015, “Irwo Sunnance yan-no! 1: Youth Claiming, Contesting and Transforming Salafism”, in: Islamic Africa, 6: 82–108.
2015, “Le français : langue d’élite, langue de religiosité, outil de réislamisation au Niger”, in: Histoire, Monde et Cultures religieuses, N° 36 décembre 2015, pp. 119–140.
2014, “Mobile Sunna: Islam, Small Media and Community”, in: Social Compass, 61, 1, 21–29.
2013, “Alarama is all at once: Preacher, Media Savvy and Religious Entrepreneur”, in: Journal of African Cultural Studies, volume 25 issue 1, pp. 88–102.
2012, “Heirs of the Sheikh: Izala and its Appropriation of Usman Dan Fodio in Niger”, in: Cahiers d’Etudes Africaines, vol. 206-207, pp. 427-447. https://journals.openedition.org/etudesafricaines/17066
2012, “Les Clubs des Jeunes Musulmans du Niger: un espace intergénérationnel”, in: Muriel Gomez-Perez et Marie Nathalie LeBlanc (éds.), L‘afrique des générations. Entre tensions et négociations. Paris, Karthala : pp. 166–217.
2011, “Go Find the Second Half of Your Faith with These Women!” Women Fashioning Islam in Contemporary Niger, in: The Muslim World, Vol. 101, 3, pp. 539–554.
2011, “La «discothèque» islamique: CD et DVD au cœur de la réislamisation nigérienne, www.ethnographiques.org, 22
2011, “Doing Development the Islamic Way in Contemporary Niger”, in: Bulletin of the Euro-African Association for the Anthropology of Social Change and Development, vol. 33, pp. 61–90.
2007, “Instrumentalizing the Qur'an in Niger Public Life”, in: Journal for Islamic Studies, Vol. 27, 2007, 211–239.
2018, LeBlanc, Marie Nathalie, and Louis Audet Gosselin, Faith and Charity: Religion and Humanitarian Assistance in West Africa, London, Pluto Press, 2016, 224 p. Politique Africaine, 149, pp. 169–71.
2017, Jan Patrick Heiss, Musa: An essay (or experiment) in the anthropology of the individual. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot (hb €89.90 – 978 3 428 14781 6). 2015, 329 pp. Africa,87 (2).
2012, Mamadou Diouf, Tolerance, Democracy, and Sufis in Senegal. New York: Columbia University Press, 2013, in: Journal of African History.
2011, Adeline Masquelier, Women and Islamic Revival in a West African Town. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2009, in: Islamic Africa, Fall 2011, pp. 123–27.
26/04/2021: "Projecting Life: Boko, Learning and Religiosity at a University in West Africa", Boston University African Studies Center,
19/03/2019: “An Ethnography of Salafism in Niamey, Niger”, University of Vienna, Austria
08/10/2018: Keynote : “Governance of Religion and Politics of Islam”, Lasdel / University Abdou Moumouni, Niamey, Niger
26/04/2018: “Student Religious Organizations at Abdou Moumouni University”, University of Florida, Gainsville, USA
22/03/2018: “Uniforme, Ordre et Distinction: Les Yan Agaji au Niger”, IHA – Cheick Anta Diop University, Dakar, Senegal
01/03/2017: “Researching Religion”, University of Ibadan, Nigeria
24/08/2016: “Violences anti-Charlie au Niger”, Lasdel, Niamey, Niger
16/11/2016: “Mobilizing Youth in the Sahel”, Bonn, Germany
03/12/2015: “Le Salafisme au Campus Universitaire de Niamey”, IPE, Bordeaux, France
27/04/2015: “Le Salafisme en contexte urbain”, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
15/04/2015: “Salafisme au Niger: quels défis pour la gouvernance?”, EHESS, Marseille, France
17/02/2014: “Producing Islamic Reform: Media Practices and the Construction of Religious Authority in Niger”, Cambridge, UK
01/24/2022, DW, Cédéao : Trois coups d'Etat en 18 mois
04/30/2021, DW, Niamey coopère pour neutraliser les rebelles tchadiens du FACT
04/01/2021, DW, Die große Aufgabe des Mohamed Bazoum
03/31/2021, DW, Big challenges confront Niger President Mohamed Bazoum
03/23/2021, TV5 Monde, Maasacres a Tilia Niger
03/22/2021, RFI, Terrorist Attacks in North West Niger
03/22/2021, Le Matin d'Algerie, Niger: Plus de 130 morts
03/18/2021, RFI, Visite Ministerielle : Massacre de Civils
01/03/2021, RFI, Niger : Jihadi Attacks
09/ 19/ 2020 / Mali
- Afrika: Krise in Sahelzone spitzt sich zu (Martina Schwikowski)
- Mali: A revolt that led to a coup d’état (Isaac Mugabi)
09/11/ 2020, Niger, Hausa : Human Rights and Military Operations in the Sahel
06/26/2020, Nigeria and Niger: Mit dem Koran statt dem „Kapital“
04/18/2020, West Africa : Islam en Afrique de l‘Ouest
04/24/ 2020, Corona and Niger
04/04/2018, Deutsche Welle, “Title”, Interview with Researcher by Author
05/05/ 2018, Deutsche Welle, “Westafrika: Fulani-Konflikt spitzt sich zu“, Interview with Fréjus Quenum.
01/06/2017, Deutsche Welle, “Wird der Islam in Afrika Radikaler?“, Daniel Pelz.
2016, “Jugend, Politik, Religion in Niger: Die Wahlen im Februar 2016”, INAMO 22 (86), Sommer 2016, 14-18.
27/05/2016, Deutsche Welle, “Salafismus wächst in Westafrika - Regierungen sind hilflos“, Interview with Audrey Parmentier and Dirke Köpp.
05/03/2016, Voice of America, “Les influences étrangères sur l’islam au Niger”.
2011, “Islam au Niger: de la contestation à la normalisation”.
Recent Teaching Activities
Selected Awards
- American Academy of Religion
- American Anthropological Association
- African Studies Association
- West African Research Association
- French (Fully Fluent)
- English (Fully Fluent)
- Hausa (Native)
- Zarma (Native)
- German (Intermediate)