Dr. Daniele Cantini
Akademische Laufbahn
Forschungsförderungen und Auszeichnungen
Verzeichnis der Lehrveranstaltungen
Lehrtätigkeiten an der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle (MLU), Seminar für Ethnologie, Universität Milano-Bicocca (Unimib), Magister in Anthropologie und Ethnologie, und Universität Modena (UNIMORE), Seminar für Kultur- und Sprachwissenschaften. Die mit „PhD“ gekennzeichneten Lehrveranstaltungen sind Forschungsseminare die ich (in der Regel in Zusammenarbeit mit zwei Kollegen) im Rahmen des Studienprogramms der Graduiertenschule „Kultur und Gesellschaft in Bewegung“ organisiert habe.
Syllabi und Evaluationen stehen auf Anfrage zur Verfügung.
Sommer Semester 2020
Kulturen und Gesellschaften der Islamischen Welt (MA, Unimib), 56 Lehrstunden.
WS 2015/2016
Ethnographies of the MENA region (BA, MLU), 2 Semesterwochenstunden (SWS).
Representations of experience and knowledge: social anthropology, cultural studies and epistemological self-reflections (PhD, SCM), 2 SWS.
WS 2014/2015
Ethnology (BA, UNIMORE), 48 Lehrstunden.
Social and Practical Theory (PhD, SCM), 2 SWS.
SoSe 2014
State, Citizenship, and New Subjectivities in the Arab Middle East (MA, MLU), 2 SWS.
WS 2013/2014
Borders, Immigration, Beliefs. On the relation between State, Ethnicity and Religion (PhD, SCM), 2 SWS.
SoSe 2013
Cultural Heritage, Memory and Bewilderment (PhD, SCM), 2 SWS.
WS 2012/2013
Anthropology of the Mediterranean and the Arab World (BA, MLU), 2 SWS.
Bewilderment and Multiple Modernities (PhD, SCM), 2 SWS.
SoSe 2012
Institutions and local concepts of social integration (PhD, SCM), 2 SWS.
WS 2011/2012
Critical Theory: key texts and contemporary discussions (PhD, SCM), 2 SWS.
SoSe 2011
Global players, local concepts of social integration between homogenization and alienation of social forms (PhD, SCM), 2 SWS.
2010 - 2012
Ethnology of Africa and the Mediterranean (BA, UNIMORE), unterrichtet für 3 Jahre zwischen 2010 und 2012, 48 Lehrstunden im Jahr.
WS 2010/2011
Political Anthropology (MA, UNIMORE), Wintersemester 2010/2011, 48 Lehrstunden.
Social Anthropology (BA, UNIMORE), Wintersemester 2010/2011, 48 Lehrstunden.
2008 - 2010
Political Anthropology in the Arab World (MA, UNIMORE), unterrichtet für 3 Jahre zwischen 2008 und 2011, ca. 20 Lehrstunden im Jahr.
CV Daniele Cantini 2020
Beschäftigungsverhältnisse und Forschungen
Youth and Education in the Middle East. Shaping Identity and Politics in Jordan. London: I.B. Tauris (Library of Modern Middle East Studies, 177).
Reviewed by Vincent Romani in Revue d’Etudes sur le Monde Musulmanes et la Méditerranée 149 journals.openedition.org/remmm/12485
Reviewed by Tariq Tell and Jocelyn DeJong in Contemporary Arab Affairs Vol. 11 No. 1-2, March-June 2018 (pp. 299-302) caa.ucpress.edu/content/11/1-2/299
and in Idafat: al-majallah al-arabiyya li-l-Ulum al-Ijtima’iyya [Idafat: the Arab Journal of Sociology] Vol. 40, 2017 www.caus.org.lb/Home/publication_popup.php
Reviewed in International Sociology, Vol. 33 Issue 5, September 2018, pp. 638-640 journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/0268580918792148a
In the Annals of Japan Association for Middle East Studies, Vol. 33 No. 2, 2017 pp. 91-95 www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/ajames/33/2/33_91/_article/-char/en and in the Middle East Media and Books Reviews Online, Vol. 4 Issue 11, November 2016 middleeastreviewsonline.com/membr_review/youth-and-education-in-the-middle-east-shaping-identity-and-politics-in-jordan/
1. Rountable on African Anthropologies (Mitveranstalter). EASA 2020. Lissabon (online), 21 Juli 2020.
2. (Mitveranstalter) The Pillars of Rule: the Writ of Dynasties and Nation-States in the Middle East and South Asia. International Conference. Asien-Orient Institut, University of Zurich 31 January – 01 February 2019.
3. (Mitveranstalter) No country for anthropologists? Contemporary ethnographic research in the Middle East. University of Zurich, Institute of Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies.
1-3 November 2018
4. Writing the Egyptian society; analytic perspectives on the Egyptian press and journalists’ autobiographies. Panel convened (with Aymon Kreil), DAVO Congress, Frankfurt 4-6 Oct. 2018.
5. Postcolonial legacies, scholarly mobility and research capacity building. International workshop, organized (with Lama Kabbanji), co-funded by OIB and IRD (France). Beirut, 15-17 June 2017.
. Hochschulsysteme in der arabischen Welt. Institut für Hochschulforschung, Wittenberg, 2. Juni 2020 (verschoben)
. Doctoral Studies at Egyptian Universities – producing knowledge in the social sciences and humanities. Konferenz “Le Doctorat dans les Suds”, Algiers, 14-15. Juni 2020 (verschoben).
1. Teilnahme als Expert an der Workshop on “Forces and Forms of Doctoral Education World-wide in a Newly Configured and Constrained Global Context 2019”. Herrenhausen Schloss, Volkswagenstiftung Konferenzzentrum, Hannover. September 2-6, 2019 doctoral-education.info/home.php
2. Buchpräsentation, Doktoratsstudien an ägyptischen Universitäten, Arab Council for the Social Sciences (ACSS) fourth conference, Beirut, 12-14 April 2019.
3. Knowledge, made in Egypt. An institutional approach to the production of knowledge and research since 1908. Paper presented at the International Conference The Pillars of Rule: the Writ of Dynasties and Nation-States in the Middle East and South Asia. International Conference. Asien-Orient Institut, University of Zurich 31 January – 01 February 2019.
4. Report from the International Conference: No Country for Anthropologists? Contemporary Ethnographic Research in the Middle East, November 2018 - 3. November 2018, University of Zurich. Paper presented at the workshop Political Orders in the Making: Cases from Inside and Across the Sahara, University of Bayreuth, 12 January 2019.
5. Students’ activism in/on universities in the Middle East – taking institutions seriously. Paper presented at a workshop organized within the project “Everyday religious practices of Muslim youth in Niger”, Leibnitz-Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin, 11-12 December 2018.
6. Managing a new kind of universities – ethnographic insights from low-fees, for-profit new private universities in Egypt. Paper presented at the workshop ‘University Management and the (Re)-Organisation of Academia’. Stockholm Centre for Organizational Research (SCORE), University of Stockholm, 10 October 2018.
7. Ethnography of a university? The University of Jordan as an institution, and how to study it. Lecture given at the Anthropology Department, University of Stockholm, 31 May 2018.
8. Life-worlds and religious commitment, or between piety and the everyday. Anthropological perspectives on the religious subject in contemporary Islam. Workshop Modes of Reasoning as a Perspectival Nexus. Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 November 2017.
9. Doctoral Studies at Egyptian Public Universities; conditions and constraints of knowledge production. Paper presented at the conference Two decades discourse about globalizing social sciences - concepts, strategies, achievements. Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies, Tehran, Iran 26-7 April 2017 (ACSS sponsored panel on social sciences in the Arab world).
1. Decolonising Knowledge Production, in Egypt. Changes and continuities in doctoral education at Egyptian public universities. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sozial- und Kulturanthropologie Tagung, Universität Konstanz, 29 September – 2 Oktober 2019.
2. Revolutionary phenomena, agents of conservativism, civic associations? Al-lijân al-sha’abeya (popular committees) in the Egyptian press, 2011-2013. Paper presented at 25. DAVO Congress, Frankfurt 4-6 October 2018
3. Doctoral Studies at Egyptian Public Universities; conditions and constraints of knowledge production. Paper presented at the 5. WOCMES, Sevilla 16-20 July 2018.
4. Ethnographies of university life from a troubled periphery: audit practices and quality assessment in private universities in Egypt. Paper presented at the 7th Ethnography and Qualitative Research Conference, University of Bergamo 7-9 June 2018.
5. New forms of confirmation and critique – the University in Egypt, post-2011. Paper presented at the Arab Council for the Social Sciences (ACSS) III biannual conference, Beirut 10-12 March 2017.
2014-8 Kairo, Ägypten, 16 Wochen
2016-2017 Beirut, Libanon, 12 Monate
2012 Amman, Jordanien, 5 Wochen
2011 Kairo, Ägypten, ein Monat
2010 Kairo, Ägypten, 6 Monate
2007-2009 Kairo, Ägypten, 20 Monate
2006 Damaskus, Syrien, 2 Monate
2003-2005 Amman, Jordanien, 16 Monate
2001-2003 Ramallah, Palästina, 3 Monate
Akademische Funktionen
- Fachgutachten für die Französische Agentur für Forschung (ANR, Frankreich), für wissenschaftliche Zeitschriften (American Ethnologist, Antropologia, Archivio di Etnologia, Journal of Contemporary Islam, Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication, Politique Africaine, Revista CIDOB d’afers internacionals) und für Buchreihen (CISU, De Gruyter, Meltemi, Routledge).
- Betreuer für BA- und MA-Arbeiten (in Modena und in Halle). Externer Gutachter für Promotionen (zweimal in Italien) und „Opponent“ in einer Promotionsverteidigung (Schweden). Doktoranden-Mentor, bei der Graduiertenschule Kultur und Gesellschaft in Bewegung, MLU Universität Halle-Wittenberg. Zuständig für StipendiatInnen (Promovierende und Postdocs), Orient-Institut Beirut (2016/2017).
- Mitglieder der DAVO (Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Vorderer Orient), DGSKA (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sozial- und Kulturanthropologie), EASA (European Association of Social Anthropologists), MESA (Middle East Studies Association, USA), SeSaMO (Italian Association of Middle East Studies), SIAC (Italian Society of Cultural Anthropology). Mitglieder der Forschungsgruppe LOST (Law, Organisation, Science and Technology).
- Italienisch: Erstsprache
- Englisch: fließend
- Arabisch (Ebene VI von VI, Sprachenzentrum Universität Jordanien, VI von VIII, Sprachenzentrum Universität Damaskus): obere Mittelstufe
- Deutsch: obere Mittelstufe
- Französisch: obere Mittelstufe