
Dr. Deniz T. Kilincoglu

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter

Regionaler Schwerpunkt: Türkei & Mittlerer Osten

Deniz T. Kılınçoğlu is an interdisciplinary historian of ideas and narratives. In his earlier research, he studied the intercultural circulation of economic ideas, values, and concepts, and the role of new ideas and narratives in social change, with a particular focus on the late Ottoman Empire. Later, he turned his attention to the influence of nationalism on the human mind and culture. He recently completed a manuscript on this subject. His current project investigates national(ist) narratives and sentiments in contemporary Turkish school books to shed light on how nationalism frames the cognitive and emotive formation of individual and collective minds.  

Dr. Deniz T. Kilincoglu
Dr. Deniz T. Kilincoglu


2023 - present
Researcher, Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin
2021 - 2022
Researcher, The Moritz Stern Institute, University of Göttingen
2017 - 2021
Research Fellow, The Göttingen Institute for Advanced Study, University of Göttingen
2012 - 2017
Assistant Professor, Middle East Technical University-Northern Cyprus Campus


Ph.D. in Near Eastern Studies, Princeton University
M.A. in Near Eastern Studies, Princeton University
M.S. in Economics, Middle East Technical University
B.S. in Economics, Middle East Technical University

Recent Representative Publications


2018: İslâm, İktisat, Ordu ve Reform: Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda İlk İktisat Eseri ve Tarihsel Bağlamı (Islam, Economics, Army, and Reform: The First Economic Treatise in the Ottoman Empire and its Historical Context). Istanbul Bilgi University Press.

2015: Economics and Capitalism in the Ottoman Empire, London: Routledge

  • 2019: Paperback edition.
  • 2023: (In Turkish) Osmanlı İmparatorluğunda İktisat ve Kapitalizm, Heretik.
Edited Volumes

2016: John Maynard Keynes… Yine Yeniden (John Maynard Keynes… Again and Anew). Co-edited with Emre Özçelik. İstanbul: İletişim.

Journal Articles and Book Chapters

2023: “Milli İktisat’ın 19. Yüzyıldaki Kökleri” (“The Roots of the ‘National Economy’ in the 19th Century”). In Sonrası Kalır: Milli İktisat, İktisadi Düşünce ve İktisat Tarihi (The Rest Remains: National Economy, Economic Thought, and Economic History), eds. S. Ağır and A. Y. Kaya. Imge, pp. 55–92.

2022: (with Jörg Wettlaufer) “The Reshuffling of Middle Eastern Identities in the Age of Nationalism: Insights from 19th-Century Travelogues.” In On the Way into the Unknown? Comparative Perspectives on the ‘Orient‘ in (Early) Modern Travelogues, eds. D. Gruber and A. Strohmeyer. De Gruyter, pp. 365–383.

2020: “Changing Reality through Fiction: A Cognitive Approach to Late Ottoman Literature.” Journal of the Ottoman and Turkish Studies Association 7 (1): 205–226.

2019: “The Dawn of Ottoman Popular Political Economy: The Turkish Translations of Otto Hübner’s Der kleine Volkswirth.Journal of the History of Economic Thought 41 (3), pp. 351–367.

2018: “İbn Haldun: Sistem Kuran Düşünür” (Ibn Khaldun: System Builder). In İktisat Sosyolojisi (Economic Sociology), eds. A. A. Eren and E. Kırmızıaltın. Heretik, pp. 41–81.

2017: “Studying Economics as War Effort: The First Economic Treatise in the Ottoman Empire and its Militaristic Motivations.” In War in the History of Economic Thought: Economists and the Question of War, eds. Y. Ikeda and A. Rosselli. Routledge, pp. 78–99.

2017: “İktisadi Düşünce Tarihi Kaynağı Olarak Edebiyat: Geç Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’ndan Üç Örnek” (“Literature as a Source for the History of Economic Thought: Three Examples from the Late Ottoman Empire”). In İktisat ve Diğer Bilimler (Economics and Other Disciplines), eds. Ç. Boz, K. Öğüt, and A. D. Bozkurt. İletişim, pp. 231–266.

2017: “Islamic Economics in the Late Ottoman Empire: Menâpirzâde Nuri Bey’s Mebâhis-i İlm-i Servet.” European Journal of the History of Economic Thought 24 (3), pp. 528–554.