Dr. Jasmin Mahazi

Education/Academic degrees
Scholarships, Research Fellowships, Awards
Jasmin Mahazi with Irene Hilden, Mèhèza Kalibani Accessing Colonial Sound Archives: For a Plurality of Interpretations, Dezember 2021.
“Shaping and Being Shaped by Lamu Society: Ustadh Mau’s Poetry in the Context of Swahili Poetic Practice” in: Raia & Vierke (eds.), In this Fragile World. Swahili Poetry of Comittment by Ustadh Mahmoud Mau; series: Islam in Africa. Leiden; Brill
Mahazi, Jasmin and Nurse, Derek (2015): Bajuni Profile. Los Angeles: University of California
Review [Ivanov, Paola (2020): Die Verkörperung der Welt – Ästhetik, Raum und Gesellschaft im islamischen Sansibar. Berlin: Reimer Verlag], for the journal Sociologus, tbc. (in preparation)
Selected Talks
Panel, Conference and Workshop Organisations
2019 Co-organized listening-in workshop “Koloniale Verflechtungen” with Dr. Irene Hilden, at the Institute for European Ethnology, Humboldt University, Berlin https://www.hug-berlin.de/projects/bayume-mohamed-husen-und-das-berliner-lautarchiv/
2018 Collaboration in literature workshops on 19th century Swahili poetry by Zahidi Mngumi and with the Swahili poet Mahmoud Abdulkadir (headed by Prof. Dr. Clarissa Vierke), University of Bayreuth
2017 Collaboration in literature workshop on 19th century Swahili poetry by Zahidi Mngumi (headed by Prof. Dr. Clarissa Vierke), University of Hamburg
2016 Collaboration in literature workshop on 19th century Swahili poetry by Zahidi Mngumi (headed by Prof. Dr. Clarissa Vierke), University of Bayreuth
2015 Conception, organization & moderation: reading with Swahili poet Mahmoud Abdulkadir, Institute of Asian and African Studies, Humboldt University, Berlin https://www.iaaw.hu-berlin.de/de/afrika/dokumente/termine/invitation-mau
2015 Collaboration in literature workshop with the Swahili poet Mahmoud Abdulkadir (headed by Prof. Dr. Clarissa Vierke), University of Bayreuth
2013 Co-organization: International Summer School “(Re-) Configurations of Islam in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Summer School on Islamic Practices, Imaginations, Groups, and Actors in the African Context”, BGSMCS, Freie University, Berlin https://docplayer.net/26893577-Re-configurations-of-islam-in-sub-saharan-africa-a-summer-school-on-islamic-practices-imaginations-groups-and-actors-in-the-african-context.html
2003 and 2004 Collaboration in Fumo-Liyongo-Workshop (transliteration of Swahili manuscripts in Arabic script), Prof. Dr. G. Miehe, University of Bayreuth
- German: native speaker
- Swahili: native speaker
- English: full fluency
- French: intermediate
- Arabic: intermediate
- Swahili in Arabic script: reading knowledge