Lotte Knote
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Conference Presentations
09/2019: “We will be just a drop in the ocean: narratives of fear and the construction of a mega-port in Lamu Island, Kenya”, paper presented at the biannual DGSKA/GAA conference, panel “Feelings of In/Security: Felt Realities as the End of Negotiating in Open Societies? “, University of Konstanz, Germany
01/2018: "Facing change at the margins of the Kenyan nation – The promise of the Lamu port", paper presented at the conference “Governance and Islam in East Africa: Muslims and the State”, Aga Khan University, Nairobi, Kenya (publication forthcoming)
10/2017: “An anthropological becoming: methodological fears and hopes”, collaborative short film presentation at the biannual DGSKA/GAA-conference, panel “Experimenting with methods in critical affective research”, Freie Universität Berlin
Grants and Awards
- German Anthropological Association
- African Studies Association Germany
- Bagamoyo Film Collective
- German: native speaker (C2)
- English: full fluency (C2)
- Swahili: advanced intermediate level (B2)
- French: intermediate level (B1)
- Swedish: elementary level (A2)