Thinking the Re-Thinking of the World: Decolonial Challenges to the Humanities and Social Sciences from Africa, Asia and the Middle East
Presentation of ZMO-Studie 43, edited by Kai Kresse and Abdoulaye Sounaye
Kai Kresse (Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient / Freie Universität Berlin)
Abdoulaye Sounaye (Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient)
Seteney Shami (Arab Council for the Social Sciences)
Saleem Badat (University of KwaZulu-Natal)
Anaheed Al-Hardan (Howard University)
Sanya Osha (University of Cape Town)
Roman Seidel (Ruhr-University Bochum)
Rakesh Pandey (Centre for the Study of Developing Societieties, Delhi)
As far too many intellectual histories and theoretical contributions from the ‘global South’ remain under-explored, this volume works towards redressing such imbalance. Experienced authors, from the regions concerned, along different disciplinary lines, and with a focus on different historical timeframes, sketch out their perspectives of envisaged transformations. This includes specific case studies and reflexive accounts from African, South Asian, and Middle Eastern contexts. Taking a critical stance on the ongoing dominance of Eurocentrism in academia, the authors present their contributions in relation to current decolonial challenges.
Hereby, they consider intellectual, practical and structural aspects and dimensions, to mark and build their respective positions. From their particular vantage points of (trans)disciplinary and transregional engagement, they sketch out potential pathways for addressing the unfinished business of conceptual decolonization. The specific individual positionalities of the contributors, which are shaped by location and regional perspective as much as in disciplinary, biographical, linguistic, religious, and other terms, are hereby kept in view. Drawing on their significant experiences and insights gained in both the global north and global south, the contributors offer original and innovative models of engagement and theorizing frames that seek to restore and critically engage with intellectual practices from particular regions and transregional contexts in Africa, South Asia, and the Middle East.
The book was published by de Gruyter in December 2022 and is available in Open Access:
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