
Vortragsreihe im Sommersemester 2022

Berlin Anthropology Seminars

This seminar series constitutes a joint initiative by anthropologists from FU Berlin, ZMO, and Ethnologisches Museum. It intends to shape and cultivate an inclusive platform and open regular meeting point for exchange and discussion on current research by Berlin based anthropologists. Please spread the word among colleagues, junior or senior, who may be interested.

For further questions contact m.oschwald(at)fu-berlin.de

Organizers: Judith Albrecht, Paola Ivanov, Claudia Liebelt, Jonas Bens, and Kai Kresse.

Join us online in our Webex room or on-site (room number on programme)
Access Code: 2732 215 0980
Meeting Password: CGtFd74UdM3

Programm PDF

Veranstaltungen zur Vortragsreihe

Mittwoch, 11. Mai 2022
16:00 Uhr

FU Berlin Raum L115 / Online

The Dream of Stability

Vortrag von Samuli Schielke (ZMO)

Mittwoch, 25. Mai 2022
16:00 Uhr

FU Berlin Raum L115 / Online

Mittwoch, 08. Juni 2022
16:00 Uhr

FU Berlin Raum L113 / Online

Mittwoch, 22. Juni 2022
16:00 Uhr

FU Berlin Raum L116 / Online


Mittwoch, 06. Juli 2022
16:00 Uhr

FU Berlin Raum L113 / Online