Religiosity on University Campuses in Africa
Trends and Experiences
LIT Verlag, Berlin, 2023
Reihe: Afrikanische Studien/African Studies, vol 64
322 S.
This volume examines religiosity on university campuses in Sub-Saharan Africa. Focusing on both individuals and organized groups, the contributions open a window onto how religion becomes a factor, affects social interactions, is experienced and mobilized by various actors. It brings together case studies from various disciplinary backgrounds (anthropology, sociology, history, religious studies, literature) and theoretical orientations to illustrate the significance of religiosity in recent developments on university campuses. It pays a particular attention to religion-informed activism and contributes a fresh analysis of processes that are shaping both the experience of being student and the university campus as a moral space. Last but not least, it sheds light onto the ways in which the campus becomes a site of a reformulation of both religiosity and sociality.
: Mobiliser l'Histoire dans le contexte académique nigérien
: Exister en contexte autoritaire: les associations étudiantes chrétiennes et islamiques à l'Université de Lomé sous Gnassingbé Eyadéma, 1970–2005
: Islam on University Campuses in Côte d'Ivoire since the 1970s: Muslim Intellectuals and Francophone Salafism
: Introduction: Religiosity on University Campuses in Africa
: Tuba», une construction de l’identité religieuse par les étudiants salafis et pentecôtistes de l’Université Abdou Moumouni de Niamey, Niger